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Wiki Glee

Glee Un trofeo más (Fanfiction)[]

Un Trofeo Más es un fanfiction basado en el show de TV Glee, se centra en los New Babies de la Sexta Temporada, agregando 4 personajes nuevos, Isaac(Interpretado por Zac Efron) el nuevo villano de la historia, Shannon(Interpretado por Andy Sixx) Bree (NO LA DE LA Quinta Temporada) (Interpretada por Renee Phoenix) y Mariah(Interpretada por Taylor Swift), acompaña a Kitty, Myron, Tristan, Madison, Mason, Jane, Spencer, Alistair y Roderick a lo largo de esta historia de drama, romance, rivalidad, amistad y competencia. La historia está dividida en 3 partes.

Parte 1[]

Un trofeo más

Se basa meses después del episodio We Built This Glee Club después de haber ganado las locales.Cómo invitados especiales están Jared Leto, Bill Kaulitz y Strify Muller como ellos mismos. Y en el especial de verano se agrega a Víctor(Interpretado por Vic Fuentes), Astrid(Interpretada por Amy Lee), Didier(Interpretado por Kellin Quinn) y Thomas(Interpretado por Oliver Sykes), cómo invitados especiales. Disponible en Wattpad(Ya finalizada).ás-glee

Parte 2[]

Se basa en el año siguiente, la historia se narra en New York, dónde fueron Shannon, Bree, Roderick, Mariah, Kitty y Tristan después de la graduación, en McKinley están Myron, Mason, Isaac, Madison, Alistair, Spencer y Jane cursando su último año (a excepción de Myron). Además narra la historia de Bill Kaulitz, al terminar frustrado por la fama. Aquí se añaden 3 perso

Un trofeo más p

najes nuevos, Joey (Interpretado por Alex Gaskarth), Taylor(Interpretado por Taylor Lautner) y Elvira (Interpretada por Demi Lovato), además vuelven Víctor, Didier y Thomas(Ya finalizada).(Ya finalizada)ás-parte-2

Parte 3[]

Han pasado 2 años desde la graduación y nuestros amigos viven en la gran ciudad de New York con un gran sueño, aquí se agregan al resparto principal a Andreas (Alex Band), Hayley Williams interpretada por ella misma y Sam Smith como él mismo, la música, los reencuentros, la fama y la esperanza acompañan a esta historia que da fin a la trilogía.(Finalizada)

Utm p3 nueva portada

Reparto principal[]

Reparto recurrente[]

  • Vic Fuentes como Víctor
  • Kellin Quinn como Didier
  • Oliver Sykes como Thomas
  • Amy Lee como Astrid
  • Demi Lovato como Elvira Adams
  • Taylor Lautner como Taylor
  • Hayley Williams como ella misma
  • Sam Smith como él mismo
  • Drake Bell como Greg Stevenson
  • Josh Peck como Gregory Stevenson
  • Danielle Panabaker como Katherine Stevenson
  • Jim Parsons como Sheldoon Cooper
  • Carlos Valdes como Francisco Ramón
  • Alex Band como Andreas
  • Chord Overstreet como Sam Evans

Apariciones especiales[]

  • Tom Kaulitz como él mismo
  • Georg Listing como él mismo
  • Gustav Shafer como él mismo
  • Gerard Way como él mismo
  • Jared Leto como él mismo
  • Simon Cowell como él mismo
  • Strify Muller como él mismo
  • Matthew Morrison como Will Schuester
  • Jack Barakat como Jack
  • Zack Merrison como Zack
  • Rian Dawson como Rian


Kitty Wilde (Becca Tobin)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición es durante la prefomance Love and death y su primera linea fué en la siguiente escena en el almuerzo, admirando la idea de Myron sobre mezclar una canción de Tokio Hotel y 30stm. Tiende a hacer demasiados comentarios sarcásticos, pero por dentro es muy buena persona.

Amigos:Myron, Skylar, Madison, Mason, Jane, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon, Bree(Cercana), Mariah.

Enemigos: Isaac, Didier, Thomas, Víctor, Astrid, The Hottest


Taylor:Novio en el pasado, ex novios, sigue enamorada.

Myron Muskovitz (JJ Totah)

Jj totah

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en la perfomance Love and Death, y su primera linea fue en el almuerzo, diciendo que deberían mezclar "Up in the air" de 30stm y "Hurricanes and suns" de Tokio Hotel. A veces tiene una actitud de diva, es el miembro más pequeño de New Directions, siempre quere conquetear con chicas de McKinley, pero no lo logra.

Amigos: Kitty, Skylar, Madison, Mason, Jane, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon, Bree, Mariah, Taylor, Joey

Enemigos:Víctor, The Hottest

Relaciones: N/A

Skylar(Tristán) (Myko Olivier)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en la perfomance Love and Death, y su primera linea fue cuando decía el porque escogieron cantar esa canción. Es como un lider de New Directions, cuando algo le sale mal suele frustrarse un poco.

Amigos:Kitty, Myron, Madison (Novia) Mason, Jane, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon (Mejor amigo), Bree, Mariah

Enemigos:Isaac, Víctor, Didier, Astrid, Thomas, The Hottest


Madison: Novia, vigente.

Madison McCarthy (Laura Dreyfuss)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en la perfomance Love and Death, su primera linea fue en el almuerzo. Su confidente es Mason, casi siempre es muy buena amiga, pero hay veces que es un poco neurótica, o puede guardar rencor, eso se demuestra por el odio que le tiene a Elvira por sentirse atraida por su novio Skylar (Además de robarle un beso).

Amigos:Kitty, Myron, Skylar, Mason (Gemelo y confidente), Jane, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon, Bree, Mariah, Joey (Cercano), Taylor

Enemigos:Elvira, Isaac, Víctor, Didier, Thomas, Astrid, The Hottest


Skylar:Novio, vigente

Mason McCarthy (Billy Lewis Jr.)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en la perfomance Love and Death cantando junto con Jane, que ya son novios, y su primera linea fue después de esta en el auditorio. Su confidente es Madison, tiende a defenderse de los insultos de sus rivales y es bueno dando discursos motivadores, eso se demuestra cuando consuela a Madison por haber atrapado a Elvira besando a Skylar.

Amigos: Kitty, Myron, Skylar, Madison(Gemela y confidente), Jane, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon, Bree, Mariah, Joey, Taylor

Enemigos: Isaac, Víctor, Didier, Thomas, Astrid, The Hottest


Jane:Novia, terminado

Jane Hayward   (Samantha Ware)


Personaje de Un Trofeo Más, Su primera aparición y linea fue en la perfomance Love and Death, cantando junto con Mason, ya siendo novios. Es un poco sarcástica y se defiende de los insultos, pero es muy buena persona y comprensible, uno de sus amigos cercanos es Joey, ya que fue la primera en felicitarlo al saber que irá a Harvard.

Amigos: Kitty, Myron, Skylar, Madison, Mason, Roderick, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon, Bree, Mariah, Joey, Taylor

Enemigos: Isaac, Víctor, Didier, Thomas, Astrid, The Hottest


Mason:Novio, terminado

Roderick Meeks (Noah Guthrie)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en la perfomance Love and Death, y su primera linea fue en el auditorio. A veces es un poco inseguro, eso se demuestra cuando cree que Mariah no se figaría en el y que es poca cosa para ella, y tiende a defenderla mucho de Isaac, uno de sus amigos más cercanos es Spencer.

Amigos: Kitty, Myron, Skylar, Madison, Mason, Spencer (Cercano), Alistair, Shannon, Bree, Mariah (Novia)

Enemigos: Isaac, Víctor, Didier, Thomas, Astrid, The Hottest


Mariah: Novia, vigente


Spencer Porter  (Marshall Williams)

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en la perfomance Love and Death, cantando junto con Alistair, que ya son novios, y su primera linea es en el auditorio diciendo que podrán vencer a Troath Explosion en la regional. Roderick, Mariah y Shannon son sus amigos cercanos, al igual que Kitty, a veces utiliza el sarcasmo para defenderse de los insultos,

Amigos: Kitty, Myron, Skylar, Madison, Mason, Alistair , Roderick (Cercano), Shannon (Cercano), Bree, Mariah (Cercana), Joey, Taylor

Enemigos: Isaac, Víctor, Didier, Thomas, Astrid, The Hottest


Alistair:Novio, terminado

Thomas-:Sesión de besos

Alistair Reid   (Finneas O´Connell)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en la perfomance Love and Death, cantando junto con Spencer, que ya son novios, y su primera linea fue en el almuerzo. Es el más tranquilo del grupo de amigos, pero algunas veces si se le ha visto molesto, por ejemplo, cuando discute con Thomas, su mejor amiga es Mariah y su mejor amigo es Joey, después de haberlo defendido de las burlas de Isaac.

Amigos: Kitty, Myron, Skylar, Madison, Mason, Spencer , Roderick, Shannon, Bree, Mariah(Mejor amiga), Joey(Mejor amigo), Taylor

Enemigos: Isaac(Frenemys), Thomas, The Hottest


Spencer:Novio, terminado

Isaac-Novio, terminado

Isaac   (Zac Efron)

Zac efron

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición fue en el almuerzo y su priemra linea fue en la misma escena. Tiene una actitud demasiado irritante, y ninguno de New Directions lo soporta, además de que siempre los molesta, se siente atraido por Alistair.


Enemigos:New Directions


Mariah: Relación secreta, ex novios

Alistair:Beso, novio, terminado

Katherine:Salieron brevemente, terminado

Shannon    (Andy Sixx)

Andy sixx

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición y linea fue en la reunión oficial de TCHX. Al principio solía ser un amigo/complice de Isaac, pero se hartó y ya no lo és, su mejor amiga es Mariah y su mejor amigo es Skylar, siempre ha estado enamorado de Bree.

Amigos:Kitty, Myron, Skylar(Mejor amigo), Madison, Spencer(Cercano),  Alistair, Roderick, Bree, Mariah(Mejor amiga)

Enemigos: Isaac, Elvira, Víctor, Didier, Thomas, Astrid, The Hottest


Bree:Novia, Terminado

Bree     (Renne Phoenix)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición y linea fue en el almuerzo cuando Isacc molestaba a New Directions, aunque no parezca, esta enamorada de Shannon, al igual que Kitty y Spencer, tiende hacer muchos comentarios sarcásticos pero un poco más hirientes. Cambió sus habitos de fumar y drogarse sólo para impresionar a Shannon. Sus amigas cercanas son Mariah y Kitty.

Amigos:Kitty(Cercana), Myron, Skylar, Madison, Spencer, Alistair, Roderick, Shannon, Mariah(Cercana)

Enemigos: Isaac, Víctor, The Hottest


Shannon:Novio, terminado

Mariah Jefferson (Taylor Swift)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición y linea fue en una reunión de TCHX. Arriesgando su popularidad, aceptó ir al baile con Roderick y es ahí cuando los 2 se gustan. Sus mejores amigos son Shannon (Desde niños) y Alistair, tiene buena amistad con las chicas pero le gusta juntarse más con hombres, a veces tiende a ser un poco insegura, y en McKinley es considerada bonita.

Amigos:Kitty, Myron, Skylar, Madison, Mason, Jane, Spencer(Cercano), Alistair(Mejor amigo después de Shannon), Roderick (Novio), Shannon (Mejor amigo)

Enemigos: Elvira, Isaac, Víctor, Didier, Thomas, Adtrid, The Hottest


Isaac:Relación secreta, ex novios

Roderick:Novio, vigente

Bill Kaulitz (Bill Kaulitz)

Bill utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Su primera aparición y linea fue en la reunión de jueces con Jared Leto y Strify Muller (Los 3 son jurado en las nacionales de la parte 1, en la segunda parte es espectador). Es cantante de la banda alemana Tokio Hotel. Tiene una rivalidad con Strify, al principio tenía una actitud de diva pero ya no, se siente atraido por Hayley Williams, vocalista de Paramore.

Amigos: Hayley Williams(Novia, Tom Kaulitz (Gemelo), Georg Listng, Gustav Shafer, Jared Leto, Gerard Way

Enemigos: Strify Muller, Sam Smith(Ya no)


Hayley: Novia

Joey Williams (Alex Gaskarth)

Alex utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido como parte del elenco principal en la parte 2 siendo nuevo estudiante de McKinley, tiene una actitud optimista y aveces de diva, Spencer, Alistair, Jane, Mason, Madison y Myron creen que tiene talento, así que le dan los solos en la local y la regional, Víctor, Didier y Thomas son sus ex-amigos, después de haberlo golpeado por enamorarse de Astrid cuando ella salía con Víctor. Su mejor amigo es Alistair.

Amigos: Kitty, Myron,Skylar, Madison(Cercana), Mason, Jane, Spencer, Alistair (Mejor amigo), Roderick, Shannon, Bree, Mariah, Taylor

Enemigos: Isaac, Didier, Thomas, Víctor, The Hottest



Victor(Vic fuentes)

Vic utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido en el especial de verano como un rival de New Directions por ganarles en las nacionales, sus amigos son Thomas y Didier, salió con Astrid pero terminaron cuando se graduaron, y es ex-mejor amigo de Joey.

Amigos:Didier, Astrid y Thomas

Enemigos:New Directions

Relaciones Astrid:Novios, terminado

Didier (Kellin Quinn)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido en el especial de verano como un rival de New Directions por ganarles en las nacionales, sus amigos son Thomas, Víctor y Didier, siempre se le ve con Thomas y es complice de sus maldades.

Amigos:Thomas(Mejor amigo), Astrid y Víctor

Enemigos:New Directions



Thomas(Oliver Sykes)


Personaje de Un trofeo Más. Es introducido en el especial de verano como rival de New Directions por ganarles en las nacionales, sus amigos son Didier, Víctor y Astrid, puede ser demasiado malvado y cruel, como una vez lo mencionó. Padece problemas de carácter.

Amigos:Didier(Mejor amigo) Víctor y Astrid

Enemigos:Alistair, Mariah, Madison, New Directions


Spencer:Sesión de besos

Astrid(Amy Lee)

Amy lee

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducida en el especial de verano como rival de New Directinos por ganarles en las nacionales, y como novia de Víctor pero terminan después, sus amigos son Thomas, Didier y Víctor. Joey estubo interesado en ella.

Amigos:Didier, Thomas y Víctor

Enemigos:New Directions


Víctor:Novios, terminado


Elvira Adams(Demi Lovato)

Demi utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducida en la segunda parte como una ex compañera de secundaria de Mariah y Shannon que les hizo la vida imposible, siente un fuerte atracción por Skylar, y cree que Madison es demasiado loca, es considerada una versión fememnina de Isaac.


Enemigos:Mariah, Shannon, Madison



Taylor (Taylor Lautner)

Taylor utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido al resparto principal en la segunda parte junto con Joey, se revela que hace unos cuantos años salió con Kitty y cuando la vuelve a ver se da cuenta que quiere recuperarla, cuando el resto de los chicos se graduan el és el nuevo lider de New Directions. No tiene ni una sola gota de prejuicio, antes no se llevaba bien con Alistair y Joey, pero ahora son buenos amigos.

Amigos:Joey, Alistair, Madison, Mason, Jane, Spencer, Myron, Greg, Gregory, Katherine, Sheldon y Francis

Enemigos:Víctor, Didier, Thomas e Isaac


Kitty:Novios en el pasado, terminado, sigue enamorado

Hayley Williams(Hayley Williams)


Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducida en la segunda parte, como jurado en la nacional junto con Sam Smith y como mejor amiga de Bill (e interés amoroso).Es cantante de Paramore. Tiene una buena amistad con Sam, y eso hace que Bill se ponga celoso.

Amigos:Bill (Novio), Sam, Gerard, Jared, Tom Kaulitz, Georg Linsting y Gustav Shafer.



Bill Kaulitz:Novio

Sam Smith (Sam Smith)

Sam utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido en la segunda parte, como jurado en la nacional junto con Hayley Williams y como buen amigo de ella, quiere conseguir su amor pero su único obstaculo es su mejor amigo de Hayley, Bill Kauiltz, y ahí comienza una pequeña guerra entre los 2, que después finaliza y se vuelven amigos.

Amigos:Hayley, Jared, Gerard, Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing y Gustav Shafer

Enemigos:Bill(Ya no)


Hayley:Enamoramiento por parte de Sam

Greg Stevenson(Drake Bell)

Drake utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido casi al final de la parte 2 junto con sus hermanos Katherine y Gregory, como nuevos alumnos de McKinley, en su primer escena se le ve defendiendo a su hermana de Isaac, y más adelante audiciona para New Directions, es muy sobreprotector con Katherine.

Amigos:Taylor, Myron, Sheldon, Gregory(Hermano) Katherine(Hermana), Francis, Sam, Bill, Hayley, Roderick, Mariah, Madison, Skylar, Mason, Kitty, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon




Gregory Stevenson(Josh Peck)

Josh utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido casi al final de la parte 2 junto con sus hermanos Greg y Katherine, como nuevos alumnos de McKinley, en su primera escena se le ve defendiendo a Katherine de Isaac junto con Greg, y más adelante hace audición para New Directions, es muy sobreprotector con Katherine.

Amigos:Taylor, Myron, Sheldon, Greg(Hermano), Katherine(Hermana), Francis, Sam, Bill, Hayley, Roderick, Mariah, Madison, Skylar, Mason, Kitty, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon




Katherine Stevenson (Danielle Panabaker)

Danielle utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducida casi al final de la segunda parte junto con sus hermanos Greg y Gregory, como nuevos alumnos de McKinley, en su primera escena termina con Isaac, y sus hermanos la defienden de él, más adelante hace audición para New Directions, sus hermanos son muy sobreprotectores con ella, y más cuando se dan cuenta de que Francis la invitó en una cita.

Amigos:Taylor, Myron, Sheldon, Greg(Hermano) Gregory(Hermano), Francis, Sam, Bill, Hayley, Roderick, Mariah, Madison, Skylar, Mason, Kitty, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon

Enemigos:Isaac, Jeremy


Francis:Novio (Vigente)

Sheldon(Jim Parsons)

Jim utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido casi al final de la segunda parte como presentador del rey y la reyna del baile, más adelante audiciona para New Directions, es considerado genio, y es buen amigo de Francis después de haber chocado con él en los pasillos.

Amigos:Taylor, Myron, Greg, Gregory, Katherine, Francis, Sam, Bill, Hayley, Roderick, Mariah, Madison, Skylar, Mason, Kitty, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon




Francis(Carlos Valdes)

Carlos utm

Personaje de Un trofeo más. Es introducido casi al final de la segunda parte como voz principal de Troath Explosion junto con Jean, cuando este lo obliga a insultar a New Directions, pero él se niega más adelante Taylor y Joey le dicen que no debería dejar que Jean lo controle, y toma la decisión de cambiar las canciones, al perder las nacinales se tranfiere a McKinley y hace audición, siente una atracción por Katherine y quiere invitarla a salir, pero sus hermanos de ella se lo prohiben.

Amigos:Sheldon, Taylor, Myron, Katherine, Greg, Gregory, Sam, Bill, Hayley, Roderick, Mariah, Madison, Skylar, Mason, Kitty, Spencer, Alistair, Shannon

Enemigos:Jean, Jeremy


Katherine: Novia (Vigente)

Episodios y canciones[]

Parte 1[]


Después de todo

Canciones del episodio
Love and death Tokio Hotel Jane Mason Spencer Alistair Madison y New Directions

Jane-I can give you, you can give me, something, everything

Mason-You are with me, Im am with you, Always, Join me in...

Todos-Love & Death, Love & Death, Don't you mess, Don't you mess, With my heart (x2) With my heart (x2)

Spencer-Fragile pieces, Don't regret the, Sorrows, Tha't we've seen

Spencer y Alistair-Take it with us, Step into tomorrow, Join me in...

Todos-Love & Death, Love & Death, Don't you mess, Don't you mess, with my heart (x2) With my Heart (x2)

Madison y Alistair-All the pain that we've been through, I've been dying to save you. Feel the blood in my veins slow. I've been dying to take you!

Madison-Love, am I watching you swim? Or just seeing you drown?

Alistair-Is it a tragedy or comedy?


Todos-With my heart (Love and death, love and death) (x2) Love and Death, Love and Death, Don't you mees, Don't you mess, With my heart (x2) (Música) Love!!!! Death!!!! Love!!!! Death!!!!!!!!!


Chico ignorante y obsesionado

Canciones del episodio
Applause Versión español Kevin Karla ylabanda Isaac y Bree
Pain of love Tokio Hotel Tristan y Roderick
Hurricanes and Suns/Up in the air 30 seconds to mars/Tokio Hotel New Directions

Isaac-Aquí estoy esperando a golpear el gong, confrontaré a los medios, que critican bien o no

Bree-Si la fama fuera inmediata lo hubiera hecho y ya, cuando te alejas siento, que en mi la puedo encontrar

'Isaac'-Vivo por el aplauso, aplauso yo, vivo por el aplauso, es por cada aplauso, vivo porque tú me animas, gritas por mí, por tu aplauso, aplauso, yo

Todos-Dame lo que quiero amar

Bree-La luz se enciende

Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar

Bree-Que sea bien fuerte

Todos-Dame lo que quiero amar

Bree-La luz se enciende

Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar

Bree-Que sea bien fuerte


Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar


Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar

Isaac-Casualmente he escuchado la nostalgia es para geeks , porque así yo lo creo, tú lo crees también así

Bree-De pronto todo es arte, y de repente hay arte en mí, el pop antes fue arte, he revivido el arte aquí

Isaac-Vivo por el aplauso, aplauso, yo, vivo por el aplauso, es por cada aplauso, vivo porque tu me animas, gritas por mi, por el aplauso, aplauso, yo

Todos-Dame lo que quiero amar

Bree-La luz se enciende

Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar

Bree-Que sea bien fuerte

Todos-Dame lo que quiero amar

Bree-La luz se enciende

Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar

Bree-Que sea bien fuerte


Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar


Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar



Isaac-Vivo por el aplauso, aplauso, yo, vivo por el aplauso, es por cada aplauso, vivo porque tu me animas, gritas por mi, por el aplauso, aplauso, yo

Todos-Dame lo que quiero amar

Bree-La luz se enciende

Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar

Bree-Que sea bien fuerte

Todos-Dame lo que quiero amar

Bree-La luz se enciende

Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar

Bree-Que sea bien fuerte


Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar


Todos-Tus manos hazlas tocar


Skylart-The pain of love wont break us up We dont need your salvation The pain of love will never stop We are our own creation The pain of love is in our hearts Its deeper than the ocean The pain of love waits in the dark We take it in slow-motion

Roderick y Skylart-And we, go on, and we go on, and on, and on, and on, We don't belong, we don't belong, belong, to anyone, the pain of loves will lives everyday promise me, promise me, well celebrate the pain together, the pain, of love, love, love

Roderick- The pain of love in all of us It hits you like a hammer The pain of love, we cant turn off Lets celebrate the drama The pain of love dont let us crush You will be all forgiven The pain of love, I wanna touch Without its not worth living

Los 2-And w ego on, and w ego on and on and on and on, we don't belong, we don't belong, belong to anyone, the pain of loves will lives togheter, promise me, promise me, well celebrate the pain togheter, the pain of love, love, love

Roderick-We climb the mountains, Walk through desserts For our love

Skylart-Lets make it back tonight So we can feel this pain of love forever

Los 2-And we go on and we go on and on and on and on We dont belong we dont belong, belong, belong to anyone And we go on, and we go on and on and on and on We dont belong, we dont belong, belong to anyone The pain of love will last forever Promise me, promise me well celebrate the pain together, the pain, of love, love, love, the pain of love


Skylart-I've been up in the air, Out in my head, Stuck in a moments of emotions i destroyed

Skylart y Mason-Is this the end? I feel

Mason-Up in the air, fucked up on life, All of the laws i've broken love thaf i sacrificed is this the end?

Myron-I'll wrap my hand around you neck so tight with love, love

Todos-Come pain, come hurt, see the halo, ha-ha-halo, come pain, come hurt, see the halo,ha-ha-halo, hey, hey, hey, hey

Roderick-First the world that i understand

Roderick y Madison- Has the feel we live

Madison-It's a matter coming time, But together we'll be fine, hey, let's go with a smile, into the, into the end


Todos-A thousand times i temped fate, a thousand times i played this game, a thousand times, a thousand times i have said, today, today, today, whooooo, oh, oh, oh, oh, whoooo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh


Skylart-I been up n the air (Oohh)

Mason-Come pain, come this te end? I feel, up ine the air, chasing a dream so real

Skylart-See the halo, halo

Mason-I've been up in the air

Skylart-I'll wrap my hands around you neck, neck, neck, neck, up in the air, chasing a dream, chasing a dream...........

Todos-Heeeey!!!!!!, follow the halo (x2) till the sun goes down, till the end of time, see the halo, halo, haloooo, till the suns goes down, til the end of time, till the halo, halo, haloooo, come pain, see the halo, ha-ha-halo, come pain, see the halo-ha-ha-halo, hey hey hey


Amistad sospechosa.

Canciones del episodio
Heart attack Versión español Kevin Karla ylabanda Shannon y Bree
Closer to the edge 30 seconds to mars Alistair e Isaac

Bree-En modo de defensa estoy, no creo más en el amor, si lo hago sé que soy

Shannon-Como un ataque al corazon-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh. Nunca entregaría todo mi amor, ya a la chica correcta digo no, puedo conseguir lo que quiera hoy, si se trata de ti nada tengo yo, si fuera alguien más, y con el corazón herido, podría jugar, todo un partido de basketball

Bree-Por ti, soy como una niña que hoy, pide suplicando más de ti, por ti, tu mano sostener, no soltarla nunca más

Todos-Me haces brillar, y lo estoy tratando de ocultar

Bree-Sé que, en modo de defensa estoy, no creo más en el amor, si lo hago sé que soy

Shannon-Como un ataque al corazón!!!!!!!!!!!

Los 2-Como un ataque al corazón!!!!!!!!!!

Bree-Como un ataque al corazón

Shannon-Nunca había llorado por nadie más, quedo paralizado si te acercas, y cuando intento ser más natural, parece que rogara ayuda y ya, no es justo ver, tus problemas me quieres ceder

Isaac-Respiro tu aire, me quema pero se siente tan bien

Bree-Por ti, soy como una niña que hoy, pide suplicando más de ti, por ti, tu mano sostener, no soltarla nunca más

Todos-Me haces brillar, y lo estoy tratando de ocultar

Bree-Sé que, en modo de defensa estoy, no creo más en el amor, si lo hago sé que soy

Isaac y Shannon-Como un ataque al corazón!!!!!!!!!!! (x3)

Los 3-Todos los sentimientos de ayer, se han marchado y no me rendiré, no hay ningún culpable, yeah, se que nunca me alejare, cerca del sol siempre te amaré, sólo a mi cúlpame-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh!!!!!!!!!

Bree-Me haces brillar, y lo estoy tratando de ocultar, sé que en modo de defensa estoy, no creo más en el amor, si lo hago se que soy

Los 2-Como un ataque al corazón!!!!!!!!!! (x2)

Shannon-Al corazón

Bree-Aahh como un ataque al corazón

Los 3-Como un ataque al corazón


Alistair-I don't remember one moment i tried to forget i lost myself yet, i'm better not sad Now i'm closer to the edge

Isaac-It was a thousand to one and a million to two, time to go down in flames and i'm taking you closer to the edge

Los 2-No i'm not saying, i'm sorry, one day, maybe we'll meet again, no, i'm not saying, i'm sorry, one day, mayne we'll meet again, no, no, no, no


Isaac-Can you imagine a time when the truth ran free, a brith of a song, dead of a dream, closer to the edge

Alistair-This never ending story, hate four Wheel driving fate, we all fat short of glory, lost in ourself

Los 2-No, i'm not saying, i'm sorry, one dat, maybe we'll meet again, no, no. No im not saying, i'm sorry, one day maybe we'll meet again, no, no, no, no


Los 2-No, no, no, no, i will never forget, no, no, i will never regret, no, no, i will live my life , no, no, no, no, i will ever forget, no, no, i will never regret, no, no, i will live my life im not saying, im sorry, one day, maybe we'll meet again, no, no, no im not saying, im sorry, one day, maybe we'll meet again, no, no, no, no

Alistair-Closer to the edge, closer to the edge (no, no, no, no)

Isaac-Closer to the efge, closer to the edge (No, no, no, no)


Los 2-Closer to the edge


Regionales (Troath Explosion)

Canciones del episodio
Mr simple Super junior Troath Explosion
My songs know what you did in the dark Fall out boy Troath Explosion

Todos-Because I Naughty, Naughty Jean-Hey! I'm Mr. Simple

Todos-Because I Naughty, Naughty


Jean-SuJu ganda! sesangi naemam daero andwen dago hwaman naemyeon andwae geureol pilyo eobtji (Whoa) geokjeong do palja da jageun ire neomu yeonyeon haji malja mome johji anha seong jeogi johat daga nappat daga geureon geoji mwo heung! shil jeogi ollat daga tteoreo jyeotda geureon ttaedo itji eojjeo myeon, gwaenchanha, shwieo ganeun geot do joha modeun geoshi ttae- ttae- ttae- ttae- ttaega itneun geonikka geudae ga namja ramyeon chingul manna sulhan jane teoreo beorigo (Alright!) Alright geudae ga yeoja ramyeon chingul manna suda tteoreo nallyeo beorigo(Alright!) Alright, Alright bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!) bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!) gaja gaja eoseo gaja, mak hyeosseul ttaen dora gaja golchi apa jukget damyeon, oneul haruman nolgo boja an geurae do geochin sesang, jugeo ra ttwimyeon naman jichyeo gidaryeo bwa akkyeo dwo bwa, neoye nari god ol tenikka Blow Your Mind! gara Mr. Simple Blow Your Mind! ttaega wat janha duryeo wo malgo Blow Your Mind! gaja Mr. Simple Blow Your Mind! ttaega wat janha junbi dwaet janha soksseok neun iri handu gaji anin sesange urin sara geugeon aedo ara mwo ireohke eoryeob na uri jal meokgo jal jago tto jal hamyeon geureohke hamyeon dweji geudae ga hwaga namyeon chingul manna dwet dam hwaro pureo beorigo (Alright!) Alright geudae ga gwerob damyeon norae bulleo sori jilleo nallyeo beorigo (Alright!) Alright, Alright bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!) bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!)


Jean-Dance! jayuran ge mwo geuri byeolgeo itna Just Get It Get It soso han iltal ye jaemi dung dung dung, kung kung kung sara itneun geudael neukkigo shipna Just Grab It Grab It gaseum ttwineun nae kkumdeul ye yaegi dung dung dung, kung kung kung

Todos-Because I Naughty, Naughty

Jean-ije geokjeong hajima, apen joheun nari ol geoya shimgak han yaegin da dwiro mirwo dugo oneureun balkge useobwa geudae ye hwanhan useume modu gibun joha jyeo bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!) bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo bwara Miss Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaero yeppeo (S J Call!) gaja gaja eoseo gaja, makhyeosseul ttaen dora gaja golchi apa jukget damyeon, oneul haruman nolgo boja an geurae do geochin sesang, jugeo ra ttwimyeon naman jichyeo gidaryeo bwa akkyeo dwo bwa, neoye nari god ol tenikka Blow Your Mind! gara Mr. Simple Blow Your Mind! ttaega wat janha duryeo wo malgo Blow Your Mind! gaja Mr. Simple Blow Your Mind! gara Mr. Simple


Todos-Oh whoa oh oh whoa oh oh whoa oh oh whoa (x2)

Jean-B-B-B-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark Can't be sure when they've hit their mark And besides in the mean, mean time I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart I'm in the de-details with the devil So now the world can never get me on my level I just gotta get you off the cage I'm a young lover's rage Gonna need a spark to ignite My songs know what you did in the dark!!!!!!!!!!, So light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up

Todos-I'm on fire

Jean-So light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up

Todos-I'm on fire Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. In the dark, dark Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. In the dark, dark

Jean-All the writers keep writing what they write Somewhere another pretty vein just diez I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see That you're the antidote to everything except for me, me A constellation of tears on your lashes Burn everything you love, then burn the ashes In the end everything collides My childhood spat back out the monster that you see My songs know what you did in the dark!!!!!!!!!!, So light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up

Todos-I'm on fire

Jean-So light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up

Todos-I'm on fire Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. In the dark, dark Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. In the dark, dark

Jean-My songs know what you did in the dark (My songs know what you did in the dark) So light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up

Todos-I'm on fire

Jean-So light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up Light 'em up, up, up Todos-I'm on fire Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. In the dark, dark Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa. In the dark, dark Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.


Regionales (New Directions)

Canciones del episodio
Forever or never Cinema Bizarre New Directions
Hurricane 30 seconds to mars Alistair
Kings of suburbia Tokio Hotel New Directions

Mason-I don't believe in miracles I never did Nothing ever happens here So sick of it Kitty-I-I-I told you I-I-I need to Get - get myself into something new I'm for something mystical, histerical, Dark, intensive, sexual

Skylart-Am I gonna live forever Said am I gonna live forever better make it now or never ( ever, ever ) Am I gonna live forever Said am I gonna live forever gotta make it now or never

Todos-Forever or never

Myron-I don't believe in fairytales To sit in cool Everybody stop and stare I let it go

Kitty-I-I-I told you I-I-I need to Stick - stick - stick out Just to keep be like you

Jane-Send myself to out of space A better place Gotta win the human race

Skylart- I'm not gonna live forever Said I'm not gonna live forever Better make it now or never (ever, ever) I'm not gonna live forever Said I'm not gonna live forever Gotta make it now or never

Todos-Forever or never

Spencer-For my love uuuhhhh For my love uuhhhh For my love, it's forever, forever

Todos-I'm not gonna live forever Said I'm not gonna live forever Better make it now or never (ever, ever) I'm not gonna live forever Said I'm not gonna live forever Gotta make it now or never (forever or never)


Alistair-No matter how many times that you told me you wanted to leave No matter how many breaths that you took you still couldn't breathe No matter how many nights did you lie wide awake to the sound of the poison rain Where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go...? (As days go by, the night's on fire) Tell me would you kill to save for a life? Tell me would you kill to prove you're right? Crash, crash, burn, let it all burn This hurricane's chasing us all underground No matter how many deaths that I die, I will never forget No matter how many lives that I live, I will never regret There is a fire inside of this heart and a riot about to explode into flames Where is your God? Where is your God? Where is your God...? Do you really want? Do you really want me? Do you really want me dead, or alive to torture for my sins Do you really want? Do you really want me? Do you really want me dead, or alive to live a lie? Tell me would you kill to save for a life? Tell me would you kill to prove you're right? Crash crash, burn, let it all burn, This hurricane's chasing us all underground The promises we made were not enough (Never play the game again) The prayers that we have prayed were like a drug (Never gonna hit the air) The secrets that we sold were never known (Never sing a song for you) The love we had, the love we had, we had to let it go. (Never giving in again, Never giving in again) Tell me would you kill to save for a life? Tell me would you kill to prove you're right? Crash crash, burn, let it all burn, This hurricane's chasing us all underground


Skylart-We are young with open eyes Blinded by the citylights Lose control to feel alive

Alistair-Just another day in Paradise Diamond sky diamond sky (Uohhhhhhh) You and I, you and I

Mason-We are the kings and queens of suburbia Somewhere in time We don't know where we are Come on, we are who we are Come on, come on

Madison-Have you Heard The silent scream Boys and girls

Jane-Born to be free Love is our gasoline Livin on this endless dream

Kitty-Diamond sky Diamond sky (Uoohhhh) You and I You and I

Spencer y Kitty-We are the kings and queens of suburbia. Somewhere in time We don't know where we are Come on, we are who we are, come on, come on We are the kings and queens of suburbia Somewhere in time We don't know where we are Come on, we are who we are, come on, come on


Roderick-God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can And wisdom to know the difference

Todos-We are the kings and queens of suburbia Somewhere in time We don't know where we are Come on, we are who we are, come on, come on We are the kings and queens of suburbia Somewhere in time We don't know where we are Come on, we are who we are, come on, come on Diamond sky diamond sky (Uoohhh) You and I you and I Diamond sky diamond sky (Uohhhh) You and I you and I

Alistair-Join me under diamond skies Everything will be alright Join me under diamond skies Everything will be alright Join me under diamond skies Everything will be alright


Los nuevos rivales

Canciones del episodio
As long as you love me Versión español Kevin Karla ylabanda Isaac, Mariah, Shannon y Bree
Problem Versión español Kevin Karla ylabanda Isaac, Mariah, Shannon y Bree
Covered in gold Tokio Hotel Tristan Mason Kitty Shannon Spencer Roderick Alistair y Myron

Isaac-Siempre y cuando me ames (Me ames, me ames) Siempre y cuando me ames (me ames, me ames, me ames) Siempre y cuando me ames, muy presionado, todas tratando de encajar en, algún lado Siempre contigo, sonríe a pesar de que todo este perdido Mariah-Ahora, tu y yo, sabemos, lo que hay que hacer, entiende, no hay nada que perder

Isaac-Siempre y cuando me ames, aunque este sufriendo, y no tenga nada, para darte hoy, siempre y cuando me ames, seré lo que quieres, llenar cada espacio, de tu corazón, mientras tenga tu amor mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo- tu amor, tu amor, mientras tenga tu mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo tu amor, tu amor

Shannon-Soy un soldado, luchar por ti se muy bien que no será en vano, y convertirme, en todo lo que tu alguna vez has deseado

Bree-No llores, no sufras, confía en mi, todo estará muy bien, tan solo, tu debes creer

Isaac-Siempre y cuando me ames, aunque este sufriendo, y no tenga nada para darte hoy, siempre y cuando me ames, seré lo que quieras, llenar cada espacio de tu corazón

Mariah-Mientras tenga tu amooor!!!!!!!!!!

Isaac-Mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo-mo, Siempre y cuando me ames


Shannon-Jajaja (Tengo un problema menos)

Mariah-Oh baby aunque yo te odie, yo quiero amarte, eres tú uh-uh, y aunque no pueda perdonarte, mi mente lo hace, eres tú uh-uh, dime, dime baby, si me dejaste

Bree-Aunque quiera necesitarte, debo alejarme, eres tú uh-uh

Las 2-Vivo en las nubes, no hay carga en mis hombros, libre al saber que realmente ya tengo

Isaac-Un problema menos, tengo un problema menos, tengo un problema menos

Todos-Tengo un problema menos

Shannon-Un problema menos, tengo un problema menos, tengo un problema menos

Todos-Tengo un problema menos

Bree-Y se que nunca entenderías que no me rindo, eres tú uh-uh. Te llamo y no debería, ya me despido, eres tú uh-uh

Mariah-Y que me tocas, dices que me amas, porque me dejas sin aliento, y no te miento, eres tú uh-uh

Las 2-Vivo en las nubes, no hay carga en mis hombros libre al saber que realmente ya tengo

Isaac-Un problema menos, tengo un problema, tengo un problema menos

Todos-Tengo un problema menos

Shannon-Un problema menos, tengo un problema menos, tengo un problema menos

Todos-Tengo un problema menos

Isaac y Shannon-Hey, TCHX, oh, what you got

Isaac-Apuesto a que voy a estar mejor sin ti entiendo, enseguida olvidare lo que yo siento, dices comprender y realmente yo no dudo que es muy fácil para mi un acercamiento

Shannon-Isaac, Shannon, nos llaman, pensar en ti, me encantaba tu presencia, la amaba, ya márchate y lo mejor es que yo soy el que decide te vas, te dejo ir, mi lección aprendí, yeah, no te acerques, que no te quiero oír, no quiero mas razones porque esto es el fin

Los 2-No llores que no te podre perdonar, tantos problemas y en ellos no estas, like what

Todos-Un problema menos (x2)

Mariah-Vivo en las nubes no hay carga en mis hombros, libre al sabes que realmente ya tengo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isaac-Un problema menos, tengo un problema menos, tengo un problema menos

Todos-Tengo un problema menos

Shannon-Un problema menos, tengo un problema menos, tengo un problema menos

Todos-Tengo un problema menos


Skylart-I like you simple, I like the way you walk You liked me simple, you fell for the way I talk You were making me high, I didn't know it wasn't meant to last I turn the lights down, hearts can fall out of love

Mason-Out of love, out of love, out of love, out of love Out of love, and nothing's gonna heal it Out of love, out of love, out of love, out of love

Kitty- But I can't let you go, put your heart on repeat Remember love, remember me And I can't let you go, put your heart on repeat Remember us, remember me

Shannon-.Falling in and out of love is a part of us, I keep hanging on to secret promises You broke me apart, like a shattered glass Our love is gross but I'm covered in gold, gold, gold Covered in gold, gold, gold Covered in gold :D......

Spencer-it should be easy, guess I never figured you out It's not easy finding love in the applause Am I gonna be healed, when I rip about the history

Alistair-When you forgot us, you destroyed the rest of love in me

Mason-Out of love, out of love, out of love, out of love Out of love, and nothing's gonna heal it Out of love, out of love, out of love, out of love

Roderick-But I can't let you go, put your heart on repeat Remember love, remember me And I can't let you go, put your heart on repeat Remember us, remember me

Shannon y Alistair- Falling in and out of love is a part of us I keep hanging on to secret promises You broke me apart, like a shattered glass Our love is gross but I'm covered in gold, gold, gold Covered in gold, gold, gold Covered in gold

Myron-Cause we're loving, loving, loving ah hey 'Cause we're loving, loving, loving ah hey 'Cause we're loving, loving, loving ah hey 'Cause we're loving, loving, loving ah hey

Shannon y Alistair-Falling in and out of love is a part of us I keep hanging on to secret promises You broke me apart, like a shattered glass Our love is gross but I'm covered in gold, gold, gold, gold Covered in gold, gold, gold Covered in gold

Kitty-But I can't let you go, put your heart on repeat Remember love, remember me

Mason-Falling in and out of love is a part of us I keep hanging on to secret promises You broke me apart, like a shattered glass Our love is gross but I'm covered in gold, gold, gold, gold Covered in gold, gold, gold Covered in gold


La fiesta

Canciones del episodio


Reunión de jueces

Canciones del episodio


Noche cómo esta no hay todos lo s días

Cancoines del episodio


Preparativos para el baile

Canciones del episodio
A night to remember High School Musical 3 New Directions Shannon Bree y Mariah

Roderick-Guess now it's oficial? Can't back now, can't back now Skylart-No


Madison, Kitty y Jane-Gettin' ready for the night of nights The night of nights alright


Myron-Don't panic

Roderick y Mason-Panic!!!!!!!

Spencer-Now do we have to dress up for the prom

Alistair-Dude, I don't think we have a choice

(Entran a los vestidores)


Jane-Yeah it's the night of all night

Kitty-Gotta look just right

Madison-Dressin' to impress the boys


(Salen de los vestidores)

Mason-Do I want classic or vintage or plaid

Myron y Skylart-Where's the mirror?

Roderick-I think this tux is too baggy

Alistair y Spencer-To night It makes me look weird


Jane-Should I go movie star glamorous

Kitty-Sassy or swett

Madison-Don't know but no one better wear the same dress as me


Los 6-Is the night of our nightmares

Las 3-t's the night for our dreams

Los 6-It's too late to back out of it

Las 3-Hey, makeovers , massages

Los 6-Don't know what a corsages is

Las 3-Been waitin all our lives for this

Todos-It's gonna be a night (Can't wait) To remember (oh, man) C'mon now, big fun (alright) It's gonna be the night (I guess) To last forever (lucky us) We'll never, ever, ever, forget!

Bree Shannon y Mariah- Gettin' ready Get ready Get, a-gettin' ready, ready Get ready Gettin' ready Here we go Get, a-gettin' ready, go

Shannon-(En el tocador) ñ.ñ

X-Hey you been in there an hour man

Bree-So, what should I do with my hair?

Shannon-Where's my shaver?

Mariah-Oohh, i love it

Shannon-I look like a waiter.

Bree y Mariah-Should I fluff it?

Los 3-It's getting later, already should be there.

Chicos-Her mother opens the door, I'm shaking inside

Chicas-He's here, it's time, the hours arrived.

Chicos-Don't know why, her father's staring me down?

Chicas-Where's my purse? Lip gloss? Now I'm really freaking out.

Chicos-Then something changes my world The most beautiful girl right in front of my eyes

Todos-It's gonna be a night (Oh Yeah!) To remember (That's for sure) Come on now, big fun (Alright!) It's gonna be the night (Yeah tonight) To last forever (forever more) We'll never, ever, ever, forget.

Chicos-Who's that girl? (She's so fine)

Chicas-Who's that boy? (I remember now)

Chicos-Who's that girl? (She looks so good, yeah)

Todos-Yes you'll never really notice, but you probably should. Big fun, on the night of nights (alright!) The night of nights, tonight Let's dance On the night of nights You know were gonna do it right It's gonna be a night to remember It's gonna be the night to last forever It's gonna be our night to remember It's gonna be the night to last forever (last forever) It's gonna be our night (you know it) To remember (all time) Come on now, big fun (to remember) It's gonna be the night (love it) To last forever (the rest of our lives) We'll never, ever, ever, forget It's gonna be our night (oh yeah) All together (say it loud) Come on now, everyone (that's right) It's gonna be a night (yeah tonight) To remember (hear the crowd) And never, ever, ever, never, ever, ever, Never, ever, never, ever, ever, forget!


El baile

Canciones del episodio
I came to party Cinema Bizarre ft Space Cowboy Roderick Myron Kitty

Myron-I came to party and you came to party so what don't we party together? (2x) Roderick-We roll up Like no one can do it baby It's lights out Turn the fucking system up It's one night Rolling through your town tonite So stand up Space and Cinema Bizarre

Kitty-So get up Nod your head and tell me It's what's up It's getting hot and heavy The phone's on Take a picture we don't care So get up Let me hear you sing it out

Myron-I came to party and you came to party so what don't we party together? (2x) Who oh whoooo oh oh who oh who oh whoooo who oh who oh

Roderick-We all stars You and me and her together We go hard We dont give a fuck whatever It's one night Throw your fucking cameras up and Let's go It's Cherry Boom and Red One

Kitty-So get up Nod your head and tell me It's what's up It's getting hot and heavy The phone's on Take a picture we don't care and if you got one Put your drink up in the air air air

Myron-I came to party and you came to party So why don't we party together I came to party and you came to party So why don't we party together Who oh whoooo oh oh who oh who oh whoooo who oh who oh

Roderick -Doesn't matter anyway Know that we can't stay Know you had a boyfriend anyway Got my picture on your pone When you're all alone Know we got to go Let me hear you sing it out

Kitty y Myron- I came to party and you came to party So why don't we party together I came to party and you came to party So why don't we party together (3x) (Who oh whoooo oh oh who oh who oh whoooo who oh who oh)


Problemas (Un duro secreto)

Canciones del episodio


Nacionales (TCHX)

Canciones del episodio
El triste José José Isaac

Isaac-Que triste fue decirnos adiós Cuando adorábamos más... Hasta la golondrina emigro Presagiando el final Que triste luce todo sin ti, Los mares de las playas se van Se tiñen los colores de gris Hoy todo es soledad. No sé, si vuelva a verte después, No sé que de mi vida será Sin el lucero azul de tu ser, Que no me alumbra ya, Hoy quiero saborear mi dolor. Nooo, pido compasión y piedad La historia de este amor se escribió para la eternidad Que triste, todos dicen que soy Que siempre estoy hablando de ti No saben que pensando en tu amor, en tu amor He podido ayudarme a vivir, he podido ayudarme a vivir. Hoy quiero saborear mi dolor, no, pido compasión y piedad La historia de este amor se escribió para la eternidad, Que triste todos dicen que soy, que siempre estoy hablando de ti No saben que pensando en tu amor en tu amor, He podido ayudarme a vivir, he podido ayudarme a vivir, he podido ayudarme a vivir.


Nacionales (New Directions) (FINAL)

Helena My Chemical Romance Tristan Spencer y Mason
Cancer My Chemical Romance Mariah
Welcome to the Back Parade My Chemical Romance New directions

Skylart-Long ago

Spencer-Just like the hearse you die to get in again Mason-We are, so far from you

Los 3-Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate The lives of everyone you know

Mason-And what's the worst you take (worst you take)

Skylart-from every heart you break (heart you break)

Spencer-And like a blade you stain (blade you stain)

Los 3-Well I've been holding on tonight. What's the worst that I could say?

Spencer-Things are better if i stay

Los 3-So long and goodnight (x2)

Skylart-Came a time When every star fall brought you to tears again

Mason-We are the very hurt you sold And what's the worst you take

Spencer-from every heart you break And like a blade you stain

Los 3-Well I've been holding on tonight. What's the worst that I could say?

Mason-Things are better if i stay so long and goodnigth (x2)

Spencer-And if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight

Skylart-Can you hear me? Are you near me?

Spencer-Can we pretend to leave and then

Mason-We'll meet again When both our cars collide?

Los 3-What's the worst that I could say? Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight And if you carry on this way Things are better if I stay So long and goodnight So long and goodnight


Mariah-Turn away If you could get me a drink Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded Call my aunt Marie Help her gather all my things And bury me in all my favorite colours My sisters and my brothers still I will not kiss you 'Cause the hardest part of this Is leaving you Now turn away 'Cause I'm awful just to see 'Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body Oh, my agony Know that I will never marry Baby I'm just soggy from the chemo But counting down the days to go It just ain't living And I just hope you know That if you say (if you say) Goodbye today (goodbye today) I'd ask you to be true (I'd ask you to be true) 'Cause the hardest part of this Is leaving you 'Cause the hardest part of this Is leaving you


Shannon-When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city To see a marching band. He said, "Son when you grow up, would you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"

Madison-He said "Will you defeat them, your demons, and all the non believers, the plans that they have made?" Because one day I'll leave you, A phantom to lead you in the summer, To join the black parade."


Myron y Skylart-When I was a young boy, My father took me into the city To see a marching band. He said, "Son when you grow up, would you be the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"


Kitty-Sometimes I get the feeling she's watching over me. And other times I feel like I should go.

Kitty y Bree-And through it all, the rise and fall, the bodies in the streets.

Bree-When you're gone we want you all to know.

Todos-We'll carry on, We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And in my heart I can't contain it The anthem won't explain it.

Spencer-A woman sends you reeling from decimated dreams Your misery and hate will kill us all. So paint it black and take it back

Alistair-Lets shout it loud and clear Defiant to the end We hear the call

Todos-To carry on We'll carry on Though you're dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches

Skylart y Madison-On and on we carry through the fears Ooh oh ohhhh

Spencer y Alistair-Disappointed faces of your peers Ooh oh ohhhh

Roderick y Mariah-Take a look at me cause I could not care at all

Todos-Do or die You'll never make me Because the world, will never take my heart You can try, you'll never break me You want it all, you wanna play this part I won't explain or say I'm sorry I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar Give a cheer, for all the broken Listen here, because it's only you I'm just a man, I'm not a hero I'm just a boy, who's meant to sing this song I'm just a man, I'm not a hero I -- don't – care.

Jane-We'll carry on We'll carry on

Todos-Though you're dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on You'll carry on And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches on (Shannon-Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world, will never take my heart You can try, you'll never break me You want it all, you wanna play this part) We'll carry on We'll carry on We'll carry on We'll carry We'll carry on


Las vacaciones de verano I (Capitulos extra)

Canciones del episodio


New Directions vs The Hottest (Capitulos extra)

Cacniones del episodio
Drag me Down One Direction Víctor, Astrid, Didier y Thomas

Victor-I've got fire for a heart I'm not scared of the dark You've never seen it look so easy I got a river for a soul And baby you're a boy Baby you're my only reason Didier-If I didn't have you there would be nothing left The shell of a man who could never be his best If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun You taught me how to be someone, yeah

Thomas-All my life You stood by me When no one else was ever behind me All these lights They can't blind me With your love nobody can drag me down

Astrid-All my life You stood by me When no one else was ever behind me All these lights They can't blind me With your love nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down

Astrid-I got fire for a heart I'm not scared of the dark You've never seen it look so easy I got a river for a soul And baby you're a boat Baby you're my only reason

Victor-If I didn't have you there would be nothing left (nothing left) The shell of a man who could never be his best (be his best)

Thomas-If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun (see the sun)You taught me how to be someone Yeah

Victor y Astrid-All my life You stood by me When no one else was ever behind me All these lights They can't blind me With your love, nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down

Victor-All my life You stood by me When no one else was ever behind me All these lights They can't blind me With your love, nobody can drag me down

Thomas-All my life You stood by me When no one else was ever behind me All these lights They can't blind me With your love, nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down

Didier-Nobody, nobody

Todos-Nobody can drag me down


Las vacacines de verano III

Canciones del episodio
King for a day Pierce The Veil ft Keliin Quinn The Hottest
If you can´t hang Sleeping with Sirens New Directions
We rock Camp Rock New Directions

Victor-Dare me to jump off of this Jersey bridge? Astrid-I bet you never had a Friday night like this

Thomas-Keep it up, keep it up, let's raise our hands I take a look up at the sky and I see red

Vìctor-Red for the cancer, red for the wealthy Red for the drink that's mixed with suicide Everything red

Didier-Please, won't you push me for the last time Let's scream until there's nothing left So sick of playing, I don't want this anymore The thought of you's no fucking fun You want a martyr, I'll be one Because enough's enough, we're done

Víctor-You told me think about it, well I did Now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore I'm tired of begging for the things that I want I'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor


Thomas-The thing I think I love Will surely bring me pain ntoxication, paranoia, and a lot of fame Three cheers for throwing up Pubescent drama queen You make me sick, I make it worse by drinking late

Astrid-Scream until there's nothing left So sick of playing, I don't want to anymore

Didier-The thought of you's no fucking fun You want a martyr I'll be one

Los 2-Because enough's enough, we're done

Víctor-You told me think about it, well I did Now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore I'm tired of begging for the things that I want I'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor

Astrid-Imagine living like a king someday A single night without a ghost in the walls And if the bass shakes the earth underground

Los 4-We'll start a new revolution now (Didier-Now! Alright here we go)

Didier y Thomas-Hail Mary, forgive me Blood for blood, hearts beating Come at me, now this is war!

Thomas-Fuck with this new beat


Victor y Didier-Now terror begins inside a bloodless vein I was just a product of the street youth rage Born in this world without a voice or say Caught in the spokes with an abandoned brain I know you well but this ain't a game Blow the smoke in diamond shape Dying is a gift so close your eyes and rest in peace

Astrid-You told me think about it, well I did Now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore I'm tired of begging for the things that I want I'm over sleeping like a dog on the floor

Thomas-Imagine living like a king someday A single night without a ghost in the walls We are the shadows screaming take us now

Los 4-We'd rather die than live to rust on the ground Shit


Myron-Met a girl at seventeen Thought she meant the world to me, So I gave her everything, She turned out to be a cheat

Madison-Said she'd been thinking for a long time And she found somebody new I've been thinking that this whole time

Kitty y Bree-Well I never thought you'd stay That's okay

Mason-I hope he takes your filthy heart And then he throws you away someday

Roderick-Before you go, there's one thing you oughta know

Alistair-If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door

Alistair y Mariah-I don't wanna take your precious time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

Jane y Skylart-I don't wanna take up all your time

Jane-'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

Shannon-You're the lowest type You're the lowest

Spencer-I met a girl stuck in her ways She found a boy she knew she'd change

Spencer y Roderick-I changed my clothes, my hair, my face To watch us go our separate ways

Mariah-She said we've grown apart for some time

Madison-But then she found somebody new I hope Mr. Right puts up with all the bullshit that you do 

Jane y Mariah-Stay the hell away,

Skylart-While I sit here by myself And figure out how I got this way

Bree-Before you go, there's one thing you oughta know

Myron-If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door, baby If you can't hang then, there's the door

Alistair-I don't wanna take your precious time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

Jane-I don't wanna take up all your time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

Roderick-I don't want to get things confused She said she'd never settle for some boy she couldn't use So now I gotta call the doctor So he can prescribe me medication So I can deal with all the memories of being here this way

Mason-I met a girl at twenty-three Knew she meant the world to me, So I gave her everything, And she did the same for me

Shannon-Imagine that!

Madison-'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty face No you're such a pretty, pretty face Woah, oh yeah... 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty face No you're such a pretty, pretty face

Mason y Jane-I don't wanna take your precious time.'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time I don't wanna take up all your time 'Cause you're such a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty face But you turned into a pretty big waste of my time

Skylart-Would you please stay and come inside, baby Would you please stay and please be mine, baby Would you please stay and come inside, baby Would you please stay and please be mine?


Todos-Cause we rock! We rock! We rock on! We rock! We rock on!

Jane-Come as you are, You're a superstar!

Roderick y Myron-The world's in your pocket and you know it.

Shannon-You can feel that beat, running through your feet.

Skylart y Madison-Heart's racing fast, You're rock and rollin'!

Spencer y Alistair-All that you need is the music to take some other place, where you know, you belong!

Todos-Raise your hands up in the air and scream! We're finding our voice, following our dreams. Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on! Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down. The louder we go, well, the better we sound. Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on! (Mason-We rock! We rock, We rock on! We rock! We rock, We rock on!)

Mariah-Finally letting go, losing' all control.

Roderick y Shannon-Won't stop ourselves, because we love it!

Mason-Not afraid to be, everything you see. No more hiding out, We're gonna own it!

Spencer y Alistair-All that you need is the music to take you... to some other place, where you know, you belong!

Todos-Raise your hands up in the air and scream! We're finding our voice, following our dreams. Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on! Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down. The louder we go, well, the better we sound. Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on!

Kitty-Got the music in our souls, And it's to sing we want the most! (It picks us up when we fall down) , It turns our world around!

Todos-(Cause we rock!) Camp Rock! We rock, We rock on! (Roderick y Mariah-Everyday and everynight!) Todos-Cause we rock! Camp rock! We rock, We rock on! (Madison-It's all we wanna do in life!!) Raise your hands up in the air and scream! We're finding our voice, following our dreams. Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on! Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down. The louder we go, or the better we sound. (We go!) Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on! Raise your hands up in the air and scream! We're finding our voice, following our dreams. Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on! Nobody in the world's gonna bring us down. The louder we go, well, the better we sound. (Here we go!) Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on! (We rock, We rock, We rock on!) We rock!! (We rock.) Camp Rock!!

Acontecimientos importantes[]

Parte 2[]


Capitulo I

Canciones del episodio
El verano terminó High School Musical El Desafiío Mason Spencer Madison Alistair Jane Myron Isaac y Taylor.
Cool for the summer Demi Lovato Elvira
Night of the Hunter 30 seconds to mars Joey y Mariah

Alistair-Otra vez las clases van a comenzar Spencer-Yeeh hay muchos sueños que alcanzar

Madison-El verano terminó

Mason-Ya el verano terminó ooohhhh oh oh

Jane-El verano terminó


Spencer-Oh, el año ya va a empezar, hay que volver a estudiar, las vacaciones se acabaron ya

Alistair-Yo ya me siento, emocionado, este año hay que esforzarnos

Mason-Yeh, hay esperanza, en los corazones, porque este año va a ser uno de los mejores

Jane y Madison-Y cada una de nosotras, la emoción, encontramos el amor, estamos llenas de emoción

Todos-Y regresando al colegio, todo el mundo tiene el mismo sueño

Myron-Compartimos juntos el deseo

Todos-Que este año será mucho mejor

Alistair-Otra vez las clases van a comenzar

Spencer-Yeeh, hay muchos sueños que alcanzar

Madison-El verano terminó

Mason-Ya el verano terminó ooohhhh oh oh

Jane-El verano terminó


Alistair-De nuevo a estudiar, hay que volver a empezar, con Geografía, Historia y Matemáticas

Mason-Tú no lo olvides, no todo es malo, recuerda que aquí te están esperando


Isaac-Apenas llego, y todos oh oh, ya están hablando de lo hermoso que luzco oh

Taylor-No te lo creas, porque es todo en vano, todos estábamos mirando para otro lado


Todos-Y regresando al colegio, todo el mundo tiene el mismo sueño, compartimos juntos el deseo, que este año será mucho mejor

Alistair-Otra vez las clases van a comenzar

Spencer-Yeeh hay muchos sueños que alcanzar

Madison-El verano terminó (Taylor-Ya terminó oohh)

Mason-Ya el verano terminó oooohhhh oh oh (Taylor-Na na, na na aahh)

Jane-El verano terminó

Alistair-Otra vez las clases van a comenzar

Spencer-Yeeh hay muchos sueños que alcanzar

Madison-El verano terminó (Taylor-Ya terminó ooohh)

Mason-Ya el verano terminó oooohhh oh oh (Taylor-Na na na aaahhh)

Jane-El verano terminó

Spencer-Otra vez las clases van a comenzar

Mason-Ya el verano terminó


Alistair-Ya el verano terminó


Elvira-Tell me what you want What you like It's okay I'mma little curious too Tell me if it's wrong If it's right I don't care I can keep a

secret could, you? Got my mind on your body And your body on my mind Got a taste for the cherry I just need to take a bite Don't tell your mother Kiss one another Die for each other We're cool for the summer (Ha) Ooh, Ooh Take me down into your Paradise Don't be scared cause I'm your body type Just something that we wanna try Cause you and I We're cool for the summer Tell me if I won If I did What's my prize? I just wanna play with you, too Even if they judge Fuck it all Do the time I just wanna have some fun with you Got my mind on your body And your body on my mind Got a taste for the cherry I just need to take a bite Don't tell your mother Kiss one another Die for each other We're cool for the summer (Ha) Ooh, Ooh Take me down into your Paradise Don't be scared cause I'm your body type Just something that we wanna try Cause you and I We're cool for the summer (Ha) We're cool for the summer We're cool for the summer Shhhh...don't tell your mother Got my mind on your body And your body on my mind Got a taste for the cherry I just need to take a bite Take me down into your Paradise Don't be scared cause I'm your body type Just something that we wanna try Cause you and I We're cool for the summer (Take me down) We're cool for the summer (Don't be scared) Cause I'm your body type Just something that we wanna try Cause you and I We're cool for the summer (Ha) Ooh We're cool for the summer


Joey-I was born of the womb of a poisonous spell Beaten and broken and chased from the land But I rise up above it, high up above it and see

Mariah-I was hung from a tree made of tongues of the weak The branches, the bones of the liars and thieves Rise up above it, high up above and see (Rise up above it high up above it and see)

Joey-Pray to your god, open your heart Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark Cover your eyes, the devil's inside

Mariah-One night of the hunter One day I will get revenge

Joey-One night to remember One day it'll all just end

Los 2-Oh oh oh ooh oh oh oohh oh oh ooooohhhhhh

Mariah-Blessed by a bitch from a bastard seed Pleasure to meet you but better to bleed Rise, I will rise, I will rise haaaaaiaaaaa

Joey-Skinned her alive, ripped her apart Scattered her ashes, buried her heart Rise up above it, high up above and see (Rise up above it high up above it and see)

Mariah-Pray to your god, open your heart Whatever you do, don't be afraid of the dark

Los 2-Cover your eyes, the devil's inside

Mariah-One night of the hunter One day I will get revenge

Joey-One night to remember One day it'll all just end

Los 2-Oh oh oh ooh oh oh oohh oh oh ooooohhhhhh

Joey-Honest to God I'll break your heart Tear you to pieces and rip you apart

Mariah-Honest to God I'll break your heart Tear you to pieces and rip you apart

Los 2-Honest to God I'll break your heart Tear you to pieces and rip you apart Honest to God I'll break your heart Tear you to pieces and rip you apart

Mariah-One night of the hunter

Joey-One day I will get revenge

Los 2-One night to remember One day it'll all just end (Los 2- Oh oh oh ooh oh oh oohh oh oh ooooohhhhhh)


Capitulo II (Los inadaptados)

Canciones del episodio


Capitulo III

Canciones del episodio
How you remind me Nickelback Tristan y Shannon
Everybody Backstreetboys New Directions
10 Black roses The Rasmus Joey
Somebody told me The Killers New Directions

Shannon-Never made it as a wise man I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin' Tired of livin' like a blind man I'm sick inside without a sense of feelin' And this is how you remind me

Skylart-This is how you remind me Of what I really am This is how you remind me Of what I really am

Los 2-It's not like you to say sorry I was waiting on a different story This time I'm mistaken For handing you a heart worth breakin'

Skylart-I've been wrong, I've been down To the bottom of every bottle

Shannon-These five words in my head Scream Are we having fun yet?

Los 2-Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no (x2)

Skylart-It's not like you didn't know that I said I love you and I swear I still do It must have been so bad 'Cause living with me must have damn near killed you

Shannon-This is how you remind me of what i really am

Los 2-And this is how you remind me

Shannon-This is how you remind me Of what i really am

Los 2-It's not like you to say sorry I was waiting on a different story This time I'm mistaken For handing you a heart worth breakin'

Skylart-And I've been wrong, i've been down Been to the bottom of every bottle

Shannon-These five words in my head Scream "Are we having fun yet?"

Los 2-yet, yet, yet, no no (x4)


Shannon-Never made it as a wise man I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'

Skylart-This is how you remind me This is how you remind me... This i how you remind me Of what I really am (x2)

Los 2-It's not like you to say sorry I was waiting on a different story This time I'm mistaken For handing you a heart worth breakin'

Skylart-And I've been wrong, I've been down Been to the bottom of every bottle

Shannon-These five words in my head Scream "Are we having fun yet?"

Los 2-yet, yet, "Are we havin' fun yet?" Five words in my head "Are we havin' fun yet?"(x2)


Madison y Jane-Everybody, yeah Rock your body, yeah Everybody, yeah Rock your body right

Todos-Backstreet's back, alright


Mason-Hey, yeah Oh my God, we're back again Brothers, sisters, everybody sing Gonna bring the flavor, show you how Gotta question for you better answer now, yeah

Myron-Am I original?


Myron-Am I the only one?


Myron-Am I sexual?


Myron y Mason-Am I everything you need? You better rock your body now

Todos-Everybody Yeah Rock your body Yeah Everybody Rock your body right Backstreet's back, alright, alright

Alistair-Now throw your hands up in the air Wave them around like you just don't care If you wanna party let me hear you Yell Cuz we got it goin' on again Yeah

Spencer-Am I original?


Spencer-Am I the only one?


Joey-Am I sexual?


Joey y Spencer-Am I everything you need? You better rock your body now

Todos-Everybody now Yeah Rock your body now Yeah Everybody now Rock your body right Backstreet's back, alright Alright

Madison-So everybody, everywhere Don't be afraid, don't have no fear

Jane-I'm gonna tell the world, make you understand As long as there'll be music, we'll be comin' back again


Todos-Everybody, yeah Rock your body, yeah Everybody Rock your body right (rock your body right) Backstreet's back Everybody (everybody) Yeah (rock your body) Rock your body(everybody) Yeah (everybody rock your body) Everybody (everybody, rock your body) Rock your body right (everybody) Backstreet's back, all right


Joey-Life is like a boat in a bottle, Try to sail you cant with no air, Day by day it only gets harder, Try to scream but nobody cares, Through the glass you see the same faces, Hear their voices fade like a drum, When your life's a boat in a bottle, You're surrounded drifting alone, Don't leave me now, stay another day, with me, When you're sad and no-one knows it, I'll send you black roses, When your heart is dark and frozen, I'll send you black roses, Far away we wait for each other, I'm still on that road to nowhere, Kiss yourself for me in the mirror, Tie a black rose into your hair, Don't lose your faith, share another night, with me, When you're sad and no-one knows it, I'll send you black roses, When your heart is dark and frozen, I'll send you black roses, 10 black roses x2 (Música)Life is like a boat in a bottle, Try to sail you can't move(?) nowhere, Day by day it only gets harder, Try to scream but nobody cares, When you're sad and no-one knows it, I'll send you black roses, When you're heart is dark and frozen, I'll send you black roses. 10 black roses(x2)


Joey-Breaking my back just to know your name Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game I'm breaking my back just to know your name But heaven ain't close in a place like this Anything goes but don't blink you might miss

Spencer-Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this I said heaven ain't close in a place like this Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight

Todos-Oohh oohh

Alistair-Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight

Madison-Well somebody told me You had a boyfriend Who looked like a girlfriend

Mason-That I had in February of last year It's not confidential I've got potential


Alistair-Ready? Let's roll on to something new Taking its toll and I'm leaving without you

Jane-I'm ready, let's roll onto something new 'Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this I said heaven ain't close in a place like this Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight

Todos-Oohh oohh

Myron-Never thought I'd let a rumor ruin my moonlight

Mason y Madison-Well somebody told me You had a boyfriend Who looked like a girlfriend That I had in February of last year It's not confidential I've got potential A rushin', a rushin' around

Joey-Pace yourself for me

Alistair-I said maybe baby please

Mason-But I just don't know now

Spencer-When all I wanna do is try

Todos-[x3] Somebody told me You had a boyfriend Who looked like a girlfriend That I had in February of last year It's not confidential I've got potential A rushin', a rushin' around


Capitulo IV

Canciones del episodio
Hot Avril Lavinge Isaac, Elvira y Taylor
Your love The Outflied Tristan con Roderick Kitty Mariah Bree y Shannon
Homeward Bound/Home Glee Mariah, Kitty Bree Shannon Roderick y New Directions

Los 3-Uh oh uh oh

Elvira-You're so good to me Baby baby Isaac-I want to lock you up in my closet Where no one's around I want to put your hand in my pocket Because you're allowed

Taylor-I want to drive you into the corner And kiss you without a sound I want to stay this way forever I'll say it loud

Elvira-Now you're in And you can't get out

Los 3-You make me so hot Make me wanna drop You're so ridiculous

Elvira-I can barely stop I can hardly breathe You make me wanna scream

Isaac-You're so fabulous You're so good to me Baby baby

Elvira-You're so good to me Baby baby... I can make you feel all better Just take it in And I can show you all the places You've never been

Isaac-And I can make you say everything That you never said And I will let you do anything Again and again

Taylor-Now you're in And you can't get out

Los 3-You make me so hot Make me wanna drop You're so ridiculous

Elvira-I can barely stop I can hardly breathe You make me wanna scream

Isaac-You're so fabulous You're so good to me Baby baby

Elvira-You're so good to me Baby baby...Kiss me Gently

Isaac y Elvira-Always I know

Taylor-Hold me Love me Don't ever go oooohhhhhh oh, yeah (yeah)

Los 3-You make me so hot Make me wanna drop You're so ridiculous

Elvira-I can barely stop I can hardly breathe You make me wanna scream

Isaac-You're so fabulous You're so good to me Baby baby

Elvira-You're so good to me Baby baby

Isaac-You're so good to me Baby baby You're so good


Skylart- Josie's on a vacation far away Come around and talk it over So many things that I wanna say You know I like my girls a little bit older I just wanna use your love tonight

Todos-I don't wanna lose your love tonight

Skylart-I ain't got many friends left to talk to

Todos-No-one's around when I'm in trouble

Skylart-You know I'd do everything for you

Todos-Stay the night we'll keep it under cover I just wanna use your love tonight

Skylart- Oohhh

Todos-I don't wanna lose your love tonight


Skylart Roderick y Shannon-Try to stop my hands from shakin' But somethin' in my mind's not makin' sense

Mariah Kitty y Bree-It's been awhile since we've been all alone I can't hide the way I'm feelin'

Skylart-As you leave me please would you close the door And don't forget what I told you Just 'cause you're right - that don't mean I'm wrong Another shoulder to cry upon

Todos-I just wanna use your love tonight


Todos-I don't wanna lose your love tonight I just wanna use your love tonight I don't wanna lose your love tonight

Skylart-I just wanna use your love tonight I don't wanna lose your love tonight Lose your love Lose your love Lose your love I don't wanna Lose your love I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna lose (Todos-your love tonight) Your love (Todos-tonight) Your love I don't wanna lose your love tonight Lose your love (Todos-tonight)


Mariah-I'm sitting there in the railway station. Got a ticket for my destination.

Roderick-(On a tour of one-night stands, my suitcase and guitar in hand.

Los 2-And every stop is neatly planned for a poet and a one-man band.

Mason-This wave


Los 2-Is stringing us along


Los 2-Just know you're not alone

Myron-'cause I'm gonna make this place your home.


Spencer-Every day's an endless stream of cigarettes and magazines.

Kitty y Spencer- And each town looks the same to me, the movies and the factories

Bree-And every stranger's face I see reminds me that I long to be.

Alistair-The trouble, it might drag you down.

Alistair y Mariah-If you get lost, you can always be found. Just know you're not alone 'cause I'm gonna make this place your home.


Jane-Where my thought's escaping,

Shannon-where my music's playing,

Bree-where my love lays waiting, silently for me.

Todos-Settle down, it'll all be clear, the trouble it might drag you down If you get lost, you can always be found. Just know you're not alone 'cause I'm gonna make this place your home.

Roderick-Where my music's playing...

Spencer-I'm gonna make, gonna make, make this place your home

Shannon-No, you're not alone. Where my music's playing

Mariah-I'm gonna make, gonna make, make this place our home.


Capitulo V

Canciones del episodio


Capitulo VI

Canciones del episodio
Oh love Green Day Víctor, Didier y Thomas
Writings on the wall Sam Smith Joey
Escape to the stars Cinema Bizarre New Directions
Automatic Tokio Hotel New Directions

Didier-Oh love oh love won't you rain on me tonight Víctor-oh life oh life please don't pass me by

Thomas-don't stop, don't stop, don't stop when the red lights flash

Los 3-oh ride, free ride won't you take me close to you Far away far away waste away tonight

Víctor-i'm wearing my heart on the noose

Didier y Thomas-Far away, far away waste away tonight tonight my heart's on the loose

Víctor-Oh lights and action i just can't be satisfied

Thomas-Oh losers and choosers won't you please hold on my life

Didier-Oh hours and hours like the dog years of the day

Víctor-Old story same old story

Los 3-Won't you see the light of day Far away far away waste away tonight i'm wearing my heart on the noose far away far away waste away tonight tonight my heart's on the loose

Víctor-talk myself out of feeling talk my way out of control

Los 3-talk myself out of falling in love falling in love with you

Didier-Oh love oh love won't you rain on me tonight

Víctor-oh ride free ride

Los 3-won't you take me close to you Far away far away waste away tonight i'm wearing my heart on the noose Far away far away waste away tonight tonight my heart's on the loose Far away far away waste away tonight i'm wearing my heart on the noose far away far away waste away tonight tonight my heart's on the loose tonight my heart's on the loose tonight my heart's on the lose


Joey-I've been here before But always hit the floor I've spent a lifetime running And I always get away But with you I'm feeling something That makes me want to stay I'm prepared for this I never shoot to miss But I feel like a storm is coming If I'm gonna make it through the day Then there's no more use in running This is something I gotta face If I risk it all Could you break my fall? How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating I want to feel love, run through my blood Tell me is this where I give it all up? For you I have to risk it all Cause the writing's on the Wall A million shards of glass That haunt me from my past As the stars begin to gather And the light begins to fade When all hope begins to shatter Know that I won't be afraid If I risk it all Could you break my fall? How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating I want to feel love, run through my blood Tell me is this where I give it all up? For you I have to risk it all Cause the writing's on the Wall The writing's on the Wall How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating I want to feel love, run through my blood Tell me is this where I give it all up? How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating I want to feel love, run through my blood Tell me is this where I give it all up? For you I have to risk it all Cause the writing's on...the Wall


Mason-I'm sick and tired of this so-called life Without room to breathe

Spencer-I toss and turn in my bed all night Am I the only one who finds no peace?

Todos-What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for?

Madison-Escape to the stars Feeling so free Just you and me Escape to the stars Chasing a dream All that we need is to believe Escape to the stars

Alistair-I've always been the one to Taylorspeak my mind Strove against the stream Take on the system or leave it behind And you will find a new reality

Myron-What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for?

Joey-Escape to the stars

Jane-Feeling so free Just you and me Escape to the stars

Mason-Chasing a dream All that we need is to believe Escape to the stars

Madison-Overcome gravity Holding you down On the ground

Myron-Free from insanity No one else is around

Joey-Escape to the stars Feeling so free Just you and me Escape to the stars Chasing a dream All that we need is to believe

Todos-Escape to the stars Feeling so free Just you and me Escape to the stars Chasing a dream All that we need is to believe Escape to the stars


Joey-Automatic (automatic echo x3) Automatic (echo x3)

Jane-You're automatic and your hearts like an engine (Whoooo) I die with every beat

Mason-You're automatic and your voice is electric (Whoo)but do I still believe? It's automatic every word in your letter (Whoo) The lie connects the beat

Myron-It's automatic when you say things get better but they never...

Todos-There's no real love in you There's no real love in you There's no real love in you

Alistair-Why do I keep loving you ...It's so automatic calling comes from the crossroad(Whooo) They come and go like you It's automatic watching faces I don't know (Whoo) Erase the face from you

Spencer-It's automatic Systematic So traumatic You're automatic

Todos-There's no real love in you There's no real love in you There's no real love in you Why do I keep loving you

Joey-Automatic (automatic echo x3) Automatic (echo x3) Automatic (echo x3) Automatic (echo x3)

Madison y Mason-Each step you make each breath you take your heart, your soul, remote controlled This life is so sick You're automatic to me

Myron-There's no real love in you (in background x2)

Todos-There's no real love in you There's no real love in you There's no real love in you There's no real love in you There's no real love in you why do I keep loving you automatic (automatic echo x3)

Joey-There's no real (in background) automatic (echo x3) love in you (in background) automatic (echo x3) why do I (in background) automatic (echo x3) keep loving you (in background) Todos-Automatic


Capitulo VII

Canciones del episodio
Love me like you do Ellie Goulding Mariah y Roderick
Stay the Night Zedd ft. Hayley Williams Taylor y New Directions

Mariah-You're the light, you're the night You're the color of my blood You're the cure, you're the pain You're the only thing I wanna touch Never knew that it could mean so much, so much Roderick-You're the fear, I don't care 'Cause I've never been so high Follow me to the dark Let me take you past our satellites You can see the world you brought to life, to life So love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do

Mariah-Touch me like you do, t-t-touch me like you do What are you waiting for? Fading in, fading out On the edge of paradise

Roderick-Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire

Mariah-Yeah, I'll let you set the pace 'Cause I'm not thinking straight My head spinning around I can't see clear no more What are you waiting for?

Los 2-Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do Touch me like you do, t-t-touch me like you do What are you waiting for? Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do (yeah) Touch me like you do, t-t-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?

Mariah-I'll let you set the pace

Roderick-'Cause I'm not thinking straight

Mariah-My head spinning around I can't see clear no more

Los 2-What are you waiting for? Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do (yeah) Touch me like you do, t-t-touch me like you do What are you waiting for? Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, l-l-love me like you do (yeah) Touch me like you do, t-t-touch me like you do (ah, ah) What are you waiting for?


Taylor-I know that we are upside down So hold your tongue and hear me out I know that we were made to break So what, I don't mind

Madison-You cue the lights, I'll draw the blinds Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes

Alistair-I know that we were made to break

Alistair y Joey-So what, I don't mind

Joey-Are you gonna stay the night? Are you gonna stay the night? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Are you gonna stay the night?

Myron-Are you gonna stay the night? Doesn't mean we're bound for life

Taylor y Myron-So-oh-oh-oh-oh Are you gonna stay the night?


Jane-Are you gonna stay de night? Doesn't mean we're bound for life

Jane y Madison-So-oh-oh-oh-oh Are you gonna stay the night?

Mason-I am a fire, gasoline Come pour yourself all over me We'll let this place go down in flames Only one more time

Spencer-You cue the lights, I'll draw the blinds Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes I know that we were made to break So what, I don't mind

Alistair-Are you gonna stay the night? Are you gonna stay the night? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Are you gonna stay the night? Are you gonna stay the night? (Joey-We can play) Doesn't mean we're bound for life (Joey-We got today)

Alistair y Taylor-So-oh-oh-oh-oh Are you gonna stay the night? Night, night, night...

Taylor-Are you gonna stay the night?


Taylor-Are you gonna stay the night? Doesn't mean we're bound for life

Taylor y Joey-So-oh-oh-oh-oh Are you gonna stay the night?

Todos-Are you gonna stay the night? Are you gonna stay the night? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Are you gonna stay the night?


Capitulo VIII

Canciones del episodio


Capitulo IX

Canciones del episodio
Hold it againt me Britney Spears Alistair y Joey
So close Jon Mclaughin Taylor
I see the light Tangled Mariah y Roderick
What i´ve done Linkin Parlk Isaac

Joey-Hey over there Please forgive me If I'm coming on too strong Hate to stare But you're winning Alistair-And they're playing (Los 2-my favorite song) So come in a little closer Wanna whisper in your ear Make it clear, little question Wanna know just how you feel

Joey-If I said my heart was beating loud

Alistair-If we could escape the crowd somehow If I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me

Los 2-Cause you feel like Paradise And I need a vacation tonight So if I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me


Joey-Hey, you might think that I'm crazy But you know I'm just your type I 'mma be little hazy But you just cannot deny

Alistair-There's a spark in between us When we're (Los 2-dancin' on the floor) I want more, wanna (Los 2-see it) So I'm askin' you tonight If I said my heart was beating loud

Joey-If we could escape the crowd somehow If I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me

Los 2-Cause you feel like Paradise And I need a vacation tonight So if I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me

Joey-If I said I want your body...Would you hold it against me


Alistair-Gimme something good Don't wanna wait, I want it now (now x4)

Joey-Drop it like a Hood And show me how you work it out



Alistair-If I said my heart was beating loud If I said I want your body now

Los 2-Would you hold it against me If I said my heart was beating loud If we could escape the crowd somehow If I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me Cause you feel like Paradise And I need a vacation tonight So if I said I want your body now Would you hold it against me


Taylor-You're in my arms And all the world is calm The music playing on for only two So close together And when I'm with you So close to feeling alive A life goes by Romantic dreams will stop So I bid mine goodbye and never knew So close was waiting, waiting here with you And now forever I know All that I wanted to hold you So close So close to reaching that famous happy end Almost believing this was not pretend And now you're beside me and look how far we've come So far we are so close How could I face the faceless days If I should lose you now? We're so close To reaching that famous happy end And almost believing this was not pretend Let's go on dreaming for we know we are So close So close And still so far


Mariah-All those days watching from the Windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even knowing Just how blind I've been Now I'm here blinking in the starlight Now I'm here suddenly I see Standing here it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be...And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted...All at once everything looks different (Lo mira) Now that I see you

Roderick-All those days chasing down a daydream All those years living in a blur All that time never truly seeing Things, the way they were (La mira) Now she's here shining in the starlight Now she's here suddenly I know If she's here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go

Los 2-And at last I see the light

Roderick-And it's like the fog has lifted

Los 2-And at last I see the light

Mariah-And it's like the sky is new

Los 2-And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted...(Se miran) All at once everything is different Now that I see you...Now that I see you


Isaac-In this farewell There is no blood There is no alibi 'Cause I've drawn regret From the truth Of a thousand lies So let mercy come And wash away What I've done I'll face myself To cross out What I've become Erase myself And let go of What I've done Put to rest What you thought of me While I clean this slate With the hands Of uncertainty So let mercy come And wash away What I've done I'll face myself To cross out What I've become Erase myself And let go of What I've done For what I've done I'll start again And whatever thing May come Today this ends I'm forgiving What I've done I'll face myself To cross out What I've become Erase myself And let go of What I've done What I've done


Capitulo X

Canciones del episodio


Capitulo XI

Canciones del episodio
Phantomraider Tokio Hotel Francis
Humanoid Tokio Hotel Francis y Jean con Troath Explosion
Burn Ellie Goulding Frida Romero y The Hoosierdaddies

Francis-....Gass and blood Is all I've got In you I trust The final exit's Passing by The wheels run free Under me It's you I feel A million sparks are falling down I turn the wheel around Kiss me goodbye Into the light Like a phantom rider I'm dying tonight So dark and cold I drive alone Like a phantom rider Can't make it all on my own...Promises I scratched so deep In your empty seat The sky is turning upside down I turn the wheel around Kiss me goodbye Into the light Like a phantom rider I'm dying tonight So dark and cold I drive alone Like a phantom rider Can't make it all on my own...Can't make it all on my own...I don't know your name But still believe Now it's the time For you and me Time for you and me...Time for you and me... Now I'm here No more fears Angel, don't you cry I'll meet you on the other side... Goodbye!!!!!!!!! Into the light Like a phantom rider I'm dying tonight So dark and cold I drive alone Like a phantom rider Can't make it all on my own Hey! I'm here with you I am here, here Leave me alone Phantom rider Always die on their own


Jean-Against love Against the fight Against the sun Against the night Against the rules Against the forcé Against the Wall Against it all

Francis-Oh no! I'm humanoid (Oh whoaa!) I'm humanoid (Oh whoaa!)

Jean-Gimme life

Francis-Gimme air

Jean-My heart beats on

Los 2-But I don't care

Jean-I hunt my shadow But it's too fast

Los 2-Gimme more, gimme more Can't get enough

Francis-I'm humanoid Oh, I'm humanoid Oh, I'm humanoid Fade to black I'm humanoid Won't you come back

Jean-Take me away Release the pain I caught myself in Too many worlds Position unknown Loneliness hurts Hold me I'm drowning Hold me

Francis-I'm done with systems

Jean-I'm done with reasons

Francis-I'm done with questions I'm done with healing Done with bleeding... I'm done!!!!!!!!

Jean-I'm humanoid Oh, I'm humanoid, oh Fade to black I'm humanoid Won't you come back Take me away Release the pain Don't wanna be the same tomorrow I caught myself in Too many worlds Position unknown Loneliness hurts Hold me I'm drowning Hold me Gimme something I can feel and show me something I can see Hold me I'm drownin' Hold me

Todos-Against love Against the fight Against the Wall Against it all


Frida-We, we don't have to worry about nothing Because we got the fire And we're burning, one hell of a something They, they're going to see us from outer space, outer space Light it up, like we're the stars of the human race Human race When the light started out They don't know what they Heard Strike the match, play it loud Giving love to the world We'll be raising our hands Shining up to the sky Because we got the fire, fire, fire Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire And we're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn We don't want to leave, no We just want to be right now And what we see Is everybody is on the floor acting crazy Getting low go till the lights out The music sounds I'm waking up We fight the fire then we burn it up And it's over now and we got the love And we're sleeping now When the light started out They don't know what they Heard Strike the match, play it loud Giving love to the world We'll be raising our hands Shining up to the sky Because we got the fire, fire, fire Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire And we're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn When the light started out They don't know what they Heard Strike the match, play it loud Giving love to the world We're going to let it burn, burn, burn Burn, burn, burn We can light it up, up, up So they can't put it out, out, out We can light it up, up, up So they can't put it out, out, out We can light it up, up, up So they can't put it out, out, out We can light it up, up, up So they can't put it out, out, out When the light started out They don't know what they Heard Strike the match, play it loud Giving love to the world We'll be raising our hands Shining up to the sky Because we got the fire, fire, fire Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire And we're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn We're going to let it burn, burn, burn When the light started out They don't know what they Heard Strike the match, play it loud Giving love to the world We'll be raising our hands Shining up to the sky Because we got the fire, fire, fire Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire And we're going to let it burn


Capitulo XII

Canciones del episodio
Everybody´s fool Evanescense Jane Alistair Joey y Taylor
My Inmortal Evanescense Madison
Bring me to life Evanescense New Directions

Jane-Perfect by nature Icons of self indulgence

Joey-Just what we all need Alistair-More lies about a world that

Los 3-Never was and never will be Have you no shame don't you see me

Jane-You know you've got everybody fooled

Joey-Look here she comes now Bow down and stare in wonder

Alistair-Oh how we love you No flaws when you're pretending But now I know she

Los 3-Never was and never will be You don't know how you've betrayed me And somehow you've got everybody fooled

Taylor-Without the mask... where will you hide

Jane-Can't find yourself...

Jane Joey y Alistair-lost in your lie!!!!!!

Jane-I know the truth now I know who you are

Alistair-And I don't love you anymore

Joey y Taylor-It never was and never will be You're not real and you can't save me

Jane-Somehow now you're everybody's fool


Madison-I'm so tired of being here Suppressed by all my childish fears And if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave Cause your presence still lingers here And it won't leave me alone These wounds won't seem to heal This pain is just too real There's just too much that time can not erase When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have all of me You used to captivate me by your resonating light Now I'm bound by the life you left behind Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me These wounds won't seem to heal This pain is just too real There's just too much that time can not erase When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears And I held your hand through all of these years But you still have ...all of me I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone But though you're still with me I've been alone all along When you cried, I'd wipe away all of your tears When you'd scream, I'd fight away all of your fears I held your hand through all of these years But you still have... all of me


Madison-How can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where I've become so numb

Myron-Without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it... back...home

(Mason-Wake me up)

Jane-Wake me up inside

(Mason-I can't wake up)

Jane-Wake me up inside

(Mason-Save me)

Jane-Call my name and save me from the dark

(Joey-Wake me up)

Mason y Jane-Bid my blood to run

(Joey-I can't wake up)

Mason y Jane-Before I come undone

(Joey-Save me)

Madison-Save me from the nothing I've become

Alistair-Now that I know what I'm without you can't just leave me breathe into me and make me real bring me to life

(Spencer-Wake me up)

Taylor y Madison-Wake me up inside

(Spencer-I can't wake up)

Taylor y Madison-Wake me up inside

(Spencer-Save me)

Madison-Call my name and save me from the dark

(Taylor-Wake me up)

Joey y Jane-Bid my blood to run

(Taylor-I can't wake up)

Jane y Joey-Before I come undone

(Taylor-Save me)

Jane-Save me from the nothing I've become

Joey y Alistair-Bring me to life

Spencer-I've been living a lie There's nothing inside

Joey y Alistair-Bring me to life

Myron-Frozen inside without your touch without your love darling

Joey-Only you are the life among...the dead!!!!!

Spencer-All this time I can't believe I couldn't see kept in the dark but you were there in front of me

Alistair-I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems

Los 2-Got to open my eyes to everything

Mason-Without a thought without a voice without a soul

Alistair-Don't let me die here (there must be something more)

Madison-Bring me to life!!!!!!

(Taylor-Wake me up)

Mason y Jane-Wake me up inside

(Taylor-I can't wake up)

Mason y Jane-Wake me up inside

(Taylor-Save me)

Madison y Myron-Call my name and save me from the dark

(Taylor-Wake me up)

Madison y Joey-Bid my blood to run

(Taylor-I can't wake up)

Spencer y Alistair-Before I come undone

(Taylor-Save me)

Spencer y Alistair-Save me from the nothing I've become

(Taylor y Mason-Bring me to life)

Alistair y Joey-I've been living a lie There's nothing inside!!!!!!!!

Madison-Bring me to life


Capitulo XIII

Canciones del episodio
Tongue Tied Groupelove New Directions
High School Musical HIgh School Musical Mason Madison Jane Spencer Alistair Joey e Isaac

Todos-Take me to your best friend's house Roll around this roundabout Oh yeah Mason y Madison con los chicos-Take me to your best friend's house I loved you then and I love you now Oh yeah

Taylor y New Directions-Don't take me tongue tied Don't wave no goodbye Don't...


Madison y Myron-Oh! Take me to your best friend's house Marmalade we're making out Oooh yeeaaah

Todos-Oh! Take me to your best friend's house I loved you then and I love you now

Spencer y New Directions-Don't take me tongue tied Don't wave no goodbye Don't...


Spencer y Joey-One, two, three, four Don't leave me tongue tied Let's stay up all night I'll get real high Slumber party; pillow fight My eyes and your eyes Like Peter Pan up in the sky

Madison y Jane-My best friend's house tonight Let's bump the beats till beddy-bye

Alistair-Don't take me tongue tied Don't wave no goodbye (Con New Directions) Don't take me tongue tied Don't kiss me goodnight Don't...

Joey y New Directions-Take me to your best friend's house Roll around this roundabout Oooh yeeeaaah Oh! Take me to your best friend's house I loved you then and I love you now

Taylor y New Directions-Don't leave me tongue tied Don't wave no goodbye Don't leave me tongue tied Don't...

Mason y New Directions-Don't leave me tongue tied Don't wave no goodbye Don't leave me tongue tied Don't...

Madison-Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah




Isaac-Lookin' forward from center stage To Graduation Day Time to get the future started

Joey-What we leave what we take with us No matter what It's something we're a part of

Madison-We learned to fly Together side by side (Madison y Joey-side by side) I just hope the rest of my life Will feel as good as my

Todos-High School Musical (yeah) Who says we have to let it go? It's the best part we've ever known Step into the future...but hold on to High School Musical Let's celebrate where we come from (hey) The friends who've been there all along Just like...

Mason y Madison-High School Musical

Mason-Improvisation without a script No one's written it And now we have the chance to

Jane-But some day we'll be lookin' back Memories we'll have All the songs that we lived through The best of times

Los 2-So why leave them behind? Why can the rest of my life...Be like my

Todos-High School Musical (yeah) Who says we have to let it go? It's the best part we've ever known Step into the future...but hold on to High School Musical Let's celebrate where we come from (hey) The friends who've been there all along Just like...

Spencer y Alistair-Now we finally realice

Alistair-Who we are it just took some time

Los 2-We had to live and to learn to see the truth (Spencer-learn to see the truth) That nothing's ever imposible Into the future we all free-fall

Todos-But forever we'll always have high school (High...)

Joey-Time to party now celebrate (Todos-School...)

Madison-Cause the world's one big stage

Spencer-Any part you want can be yours

Alistair-Everybody sing yeah (Todos-High...)

Isaac y Mason-And the show is never gonna close (Todos-School...)

Jane-It's what got you us here we know

Todos-High School, it's all forever more High School...High School Musical...High School Musical Who says we have to let it go? It's the best part we've ever known Step into the future, but hold on to High School Musical Let's celebrate where we come from (Mason-celebrate) The friends who've been there all along

Madison-Oh yeah, I wish life could be a...

Todos-High School Musical Who says we have to let it go? It's the best part we've ever known Step into the future...but hold on to High School Musical Let's celebrate where we come from

Joey y Madison-All together, makes it better Memories that last forever I want the rest of my life to

Todos-Feel just like a High School Musical!


Capitulos extra I

Canciones del episodio
Welcome Jump5 Mason Madison Spencer Alistair Kitty Roderick Tristan y Mariah
I´m not the only one Sam Smith Sam Smith
Wildest Dreams Taylor Swift Shannon y Tristan

Skylart-There's nothing complicated About the way we live Madison-We're all here for each other

Madison y Kitty-Happy to give

Kitty-All we have, we share And all of us we care So come on

Mason-Welcome to our family time Welcome to our brotherly time

Mason y Madison-This is a festival You know 'em best of all We're here to share it all

Alistair-There's a bond between us

Spencer y Alistair-Nobody can explain

Mariah-It's a celebration of life We see friends again

Skylart-All be there for you

Skylart y Kitty-I know you'd be there for me too 

Spencer-So come on

Mason-Welcome to our family time Welcome to our brotherly time

Roderick y Mariah-This is a festival You know 'em best of all We're here to share it all

Kitty-Remembering love ones departed

Kitty y Madison-Someone dear to your heart

Spencer y Alistair-Finding love, planning a future

Skylart-Telling stories and laughing with friends

Mason-Precious moments 

Todos-You'll never forget

Mariah-This has to be the most beautiful The most peaceful place I've ever (Roddrick y Mariah-Been to) It's nothing like I've ever seen before


Todos-Welcome to our family time Welcome to our brotherly time We're happy givin' and takin' With the friends were making' There's nothing we won't do Welcome to our family time Welcome to our happy to be time This is a festival You know 'em best of all We're here to share it all

Madison-Best of all We're here to share it

Todos-Welcome to our family

Madison-We're here to share it all, ya

Todos-Welcome to our family


Sam-You and me, we made a vow For better or for worse I can't believe you let me down But the proof's in the way it hurts For months on end I've had my doubts Denying every tear I wish this would be over now But I know that I still need you here You say I'm crazy 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done But when you call me baby I know I'm not the only one...You've been so unavailable Now sadly I know why Your heart is unobtainable Even though Lord knows you kept mine You say I'm crazy 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done But when you call me baby I know I'm not the only one I have loved you for many years Maybe I am just not enough You've made me realize my deepest fear By lying and tearing us up You say I'm crazy 'Cause you don't think I know what you've done But when you call me baby I know I'm not the only one (x2) I know I'm not the only one I know I'm not the only one And I know And I know And I know And I know And I know And I know, no I know I'm not the only one


Shannon-She said let's get out of this town Drive out of the city Away from the crowds I thought heaven can't help me now Nothing lasts forever... But this is gonna take me down

Skylart y Shannon-She's so tall, and handsome as hell

Shannon-She's so bad but he does it so well I can see the 

Los 2-end as it begins

Shannon-My one condition is...Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe Red lips and rosy cheeks Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams

Los 2-Wildest dreams

Skylart-I said "No one has to know what we do," 

Los 2-His hands are in my hair, his clothes are in my room 

Skylart-And his voice is a familiar sound, nothing lasts forever...But this is getting good now

Los 2-She's so tall, and handsome as hell She's so bad but he does it so well And when we've had our very last kiss

Skylart-My last request is

Los 2-Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe Red lips and rosy cheeks Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams Wildest dreams

Shannon-You see me in hindsight Tangled up with you all night Burnin' it down

Skylart-Some day when you leave me I bet these memories follow you around

Los 2-You see me in hindsight Tangled up with you all night Burnin' it down Some day when you leave me I bet these memories follow you around

Shannon-Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset, babe

Skylar-Red lips and rosy cheeks Say you'll see me again even if it's just pretend

Los 2-Say you'll remember me Standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe Red lips and rosy cheeks Say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams In your wildest dreams Even if it's just in your wildest dreams

Shannon-In your wildest dreams


Capitulos extra II

Canciones del episodio
Basket case Green Day Greg
I don´t wanna go to bed Simple Plan Gregory
All about us t.a.t.u. Katherine
Earned it The weeknd Sheldon
The Kill 30 seconds to mars Francis

Greg-Do you have the time To listen to me whine About nothing and everything All at once I am one of those Melodramatic fools Neurotic to the bone No doubt about it Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up Am I just paranoid? Am I just stoned? I went to a shrink To analyze my dreams She says it's lack of sex That's bringing me down I went to a whore He said my life's a bore So quit my whining cause It's bringing her down Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up Am I just paranoid? Uh, yuh, yuh, ya Grasping to control So I better hold on Sometimes I give myself the creeps Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up Am I just paranoid? Am I just stoned?


Gregory-I don't want to go to bed without you This is Simple Plan I don't want to go to bed without you Talk to me I got to tell you the truth I'm full of broken pieces And all my nights are sleepless And I don't mean to be rude This secret can you keep it? Won't give up even if it...Takes me all night Takes my whole life, Just won't feel right  Until I have you Tired eyes burn When will I learn? Tell me what to do I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed without you(x2) Let's get this out of the way Why should we wait forever? We're meant to be together I'm not ashamed to say Let me tell you one time You don't remember my name But I still want you the same Love at first sight Left me tongue tied Just won't feel right Until I have you Tired eyes burn When will I learn? Tell me what to do I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed without you(x2) I don't want to go to bed without you No you no lie no sleep without you Go crazy in the... uh! I go crazy without you Every dream, every nightmare's about you I can't lie, got love at first sight Love the first night, I took my first bite I'm insane when I take aim Like King James with the mid-range Bang! Love at first sight Left me tongue tied Just won't feel right Until I have you Tired eyes burn When will I learn? Tell me what to do I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed I don't want to go to bed without you(x2) I don't want to go to bed without you No you no lie no sleep without you This is Simple Plan shawty I don't want to go to bed without you (x2)


Katherine-They say don't trust You, me, we, us So we'll fall If we must Cause it's you, me And it's all about It's all about It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us (all about us) There's a thing that they can't touch 'Cause ya know (ah ah) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us all about us We'll run away if we must 'Cause ya know It's all about us (It's all about us) It's all about love (It's all about us) In you I can trust (It's all about us) It's all about us... If they hurt you They hurt me too So we'll rise up Won't stop And it's all about It's all about It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us (all about us) There's a thing that they can't touch 'Cause ya know (ah ah) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us all about us We'll run away if we must 'Cause ya know It's all about us (It's all about us) It's all about love (It's all about us) In you I can trust (It's all about us) It's all about us...They don't know They can't see Who we are Fear is the enemy Hold on tight Hold on to me 'Cause tonight It's all about us It's all about All about us There's a thing that they can't touch 'Cause ya know (ah ah) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us (all about us) There's a thing that they can't touch 'Cause ya know (ah ah) It's all about us (all about us) All about us It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us (all about us) There's a thing that they can't touch 'Cause ya know (ah ah) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us (all about us) We'll run away if we must 'Cause ya know (ah ah) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about All about us (all about us) We'll run away if we must 'Cause ya know (ah ah) It's all about us (all about us) It's all about us (It's all about us) It's all about love (It's all about us) In you I can trust (It's all about us) It's all about us


Sheldon-You make it look like it's magic Cause I see nobody, nobody but you, you, you I'm never confused Hey, hey I'm so used to being used So I love when you call unexpected Cause I hate when the moment's expected So I'ma care for you, you, you I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah Cause girl you're perfect You're always worth it And you deserve it The way you work it Cause girl you earned it Girl you earned it...You know our love would be tragic So you don't pay it, don't pay it no mind We live with no lies Hey, hey You're my favorite kind of night So I love when you call unexpected Cause I hate when the moment's expected So I'ma care for you, you, you I'ma care for you, you, you, you, yeah Cause girl you're perfect You're always worth it And you deserve it The way you work it Cause girl you earned it Girl you earned it...On that lonely night You said it wouldn't be love But we felt the rush It made us believe it there was only us Convinced we were broken inside, inside Cause girl you're perfect You're always worth it And you deserve it The way you work it Cause girl you earned it Girl you earned it


Francis-What if I wanted to break Laugh it all off in your face What would you do? (Oh, oh) What if I fell to the floor Couldn't take all this anymore What would you do, do, do? Come break me down Bury me, bury me I am finished with you...What if I wanted to fight Beg for the rest of my life What would you do? You say you wanted more What are you waiting for? I'm not running from you (from you) Come break me down Bury me, bury me I am finished with you Look in my eyes You're killing me, killing me All I wanted was you!!... I tried to be someone else But nothing seemed to change I know now, this is who I really am inside. Finally found myself Fighting for a chance. I know now, this is who I really am. Ah, ah Oh, oh Ah, ah Come break me down Bury me, bury me I am finished with you, you, you. Look in my eyes You're killing me, killing me All I wanted was you Come break me down (bury me, bury me) Break me down (bury me, bury me) Break me down (bury me, bury me (You say you wanted more) What if I wanted to break...? (What are you waiting for?) Bury me, bury me (I'm not running from you) What if I What if I What if I What if I Bury me, bury me


Capitulos extra III

Canciones del episodio
Lost in the stereo All time low Jack, Zack y Rian
Focus Ariana Grande Elvira, Didier, Thomas e Isaac
Just another girl The killers Shannon
Mr. brightside The killers Spencer Alistair Roderick Mariah Tristan Madison Mason y Shannon
One last time Ariana Grande Isaac y Spencer

Zack y Rìan-Oh oh oooh oh oh oh Jack-Lost in stereo, lost in stereo

Zack y Rían-Oh oh oooh oh oh oh

Jack-Lost in stereo, lost in stereo She works for the weekend mixtape of her favorite bands Tearin' up the radio lost in the stereo sound

Zack y Rían-She's trouble in a tank top pretty little time bomb Blowing up I'll take you down Livin in the radio lost in the stereo sound

Los 3-She's dancing alone, I'm ready to go but she's so (Rian-Lost in stereo, lost in stereo) She's out of control, so beautiful (Rian-Lost in stereo, lost in stereo) And I've been waiting for so long but she'll never know I'm losing hope 'cause she's so (Rian-Lost in stereo, lost in stereo)


Elvira-I know what I came to do And that ain't gonna change So go ahead and talk your talk 'Cause I won't take the bait I'm over here doing what I like I'm over here workin' day and night And if my real ain't real enough I'm sorry for you, bae!

Víctor-Let's find a light inside our universe now Where ain't nobody keep on holding us down Just come and get it, let them say what they say 'Cause I'm about to put them all away

Isaac-Focus on me, f-f-focus on me Focus on me, f-f-focus on me Focus on me (Elvira-Focus), f-f-focus on me (Elvira-Focus on me) Focus on me (Elvira-Focus), f-f-focus on me (Elvira-Focus on me)

Thomas-I can tell you're curious It's written on your lips Ain't no need to hold it back Go 'head and talk your shit

Didier-I know you're hoping that I'll react I know you're hoping I'm looking back But if my real ain't real enough Then I don't know what is

Los 2-Let's find a light inside our universe now Where ain't nobody keep on holding us down Just come and get it, let them say what they say Cause I'm about to put them all away

Isaac-Focus on me, f-f-focus on me Focus on me, f-f-focus on me Focus on me (Elvira-Focus), f-f-focus on me (Elvira-Focus on me) Focus on me (Elvira-Focus), f-f-focus on me (Elvira-Focus on me)


Shannon-Step out into the Indian dust I can feel the cracks in my spirit They're starting to bust Drive by your house Nobody's home I'm trying to tell myself that I'm better off alone All of my friends say I should move on She's just another girl Don't let her stick it to your heart so hard And all of my friends say it wasn't meant to be And it's a great big world She's just another girl (another girl) I went to see a fortune teller, that was a trip Maybe this confusion's got me losing my grip I can't believe you're out there flying with somebody else Now Jason's getting married in the blink of an eye I got an invitation but I didn't reply Tell your little brother that we put down the gloves And give him all of my love All of my friends say I should move on She's just another girl Don't let her stick it to your heart so hard And all of my friends say it wasn't meant to be And it's a great big world She's just another girl I could be reeling them in left and right Something's got a hold on me, tonight Well, maybe all of my friends should confront The fact that I don't want another girl All of my friends say I should move on All of my friends say All of my friends say All of my friends say She's just another girl Then why can't I sleep at night And why don't the moon look right The sound's off but the TV's on And it's a great big world (just a) she's just another girl, Don't let her stick it to your heart, boy (just a) she's just another girl All of my friends say (just a) she's just another girl Another girl


Spencer-Coming out of my cage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss

Alistair-Now I'm falling asleep And she's calling a cab While he's having a smoke And she's taking a drag Now they're going to bed And my stomach is sick And it's all in my head But she's touching his chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, letting me go

Spencer-I just can't look its killing me And taking control

Skylart-Jealousy, turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibis

Madison-But it's just the price I pay Destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes Cause I'm Mr Brightside 


Roderick-I'm coming out of my cage And I've been doing just fine Gotta gotta be down Because I want it all It started out with a kiss How did it end up like this

Mariah-It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss Now I'm falling asleep And she's calling a cab While he's having a smoke And she's taking a drag

Mason-Now they're going to bed And my stomach is sick And it's all in my head But she's touching his chest Now, he takes off her dress Now, letting me go

Madison y Kitty-'Cause I just can't look its killing me And taking control

Shannon-Jealousy, turning saints into the sea Swimming through sick lullabies Choking on your alibi

Mariah-But it's just the price I pay Destiny is calling me Open up my eager eyes 'Cause I'm Mr Brightside


Isaac-I was a liar I gave in to the fire I know I should've fought it At least I'm being honest

Spencer-Feel like a failure 'Cause I know that I failed you I should've done you better 'Cause you don't want a liar

Isaac-And I know, and I know, and I know He gives you everything, But, boy, I couldn't give it to you

Spencer-And I know, and I know, and I know That you got everything, But I got nothing here without you ...So one last time I need to be the one who takes you home

Isaac-One more time I promise, after that, I'll let you go

Los 2-Baby, I don't care if you got him your heart All I really care is you wake up in my arms One last time I need to be the one who takes you home

Isaac-I don't deserve it I know I don't deserve it, But stay with me a minute I swear I'll make it worth it

Spencer-Can't you forgive me? At least just temporarily I know that this is my fault I should've been more careful

Isaac-And I know, and I know, and I know He gives you everything, But, boy, I couldn't give it to you

Spencer-And I know, and I know, and I know That you got everything, But I got nothing here without you, baby...So one last time I need to be the one who takes you home

Isaac-One more time I promise, after that I'll let you go

Los 2-Baby, I don't care if you got him in your heart All I really care is you wake up in my arms One last time I need to be the one who takes you home 

Isaac-I know I should've fought it At least I'm being honest (yeah)

Spencer-But stay with me a minute I swear I'll make it worth it, babe 'Cause I don't wanna be without you


Los 2-(Oh) So one last time I need to be the one who takes you home (who takes you home, babe) One more time I promise, after that I'll let you go Baby, I don't care if you got him in your heart All I really care is you wake up in my arms (wake up in my arms) One last time I need to be the one who takes you home (yeah) One last time I need to be the one who takes you home

Acontecimientos importantes[]

Parte 3[]


Episodio I

Canciones del episodio
New York state of mind Billy Joel (Versión Glee Bill, Alistair, Tristan, Spencer, Madison,

Shannon, Roderick, Kitty y Mariah

Worth it Fifth Harmony Kitty, Roderick, Shannon, Tristan, Madison, Mariah, Mason, Alistair y Spencer

Bill-Some folks like to get away For a holiday from the neigrhood Hop a flight to Miami Beach Or to Hollywood oh ohh But I'm taking a Greyhound On the Hudson River Line I'm in a New York state of mine

(Música) Alistair-It was so easy living day by day Out of touch with the rhythm and the blues Skylart-But now I need a little give and take Madison-The New York Times Shannon-The Daily News oohh Kitty-It comes down to reality And it's fine with me 'cause I've let it slide Spencer-Don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside I don't have any reasons Roderick-I've left them all behind Alistair-I'm in a New York state of Bill-Mind!! Alistair-Ooohhhh Bill-I'm just taking a Greyhound Mariah-On the Hudson River Bill y Mariah-Line...

(Música) Mariah-'Cause I'm in Bill-I'm in a New York Alistair-state Bill-of Los 2-Mind!!! Madison-New York State Bill-of Mind


Kitty-Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Skylart-Okay I tell her bring it back like she loves some

Roderick-Bring it bring it back like she loves some oh in the club with the lights off

Shannon-What you acting shy for Come on show me that you wit it (x6)

Los 3-Stop playing you know that I wit it (x6)

Shannon-What you acting shy for

Madison-Just gimme you just gimme you Just gimme you That's all I wanna do and if what they say it's true If it's true, I might gimme to you I might take you a lot of stuff Guaranteed I can back it up I think Imma call you blove Hurry up I'm walking out from

Mariah-Uh huh you see me in the spotlight, oh I love your style uh huh show me what you got cause I don't wanna waste my time uh huh see me in the spot light, oh I love your style uh huh show me what you got now come on make it worth my while

Kitty-Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Mason-It's all on you, it's all on you It's all on you So what you wanna do And if you don't have a clue, not a clue I'll tell you what to do

Todos-Come harder just because

Spencer-I don't like, like it too soft I like it a little rough, not too much, but maybe just enough

Alistair-Uh huh you see me in the spotlight, oh I love your style uh huh show me what you got cause I don't wanna waste my time uh huh see me in the spot light, oh I love your style uh huh show me what you got now come on make it worth my while

Kitty-Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Skylart-Okay I tell her bring it back like she loves some

Roderick-Bring it bring it back like she loves some oh in the club with the lights off

Shannon-What you acting shy for Come on show me that you wit it (x6)

Los 3-Stop playing you know that I wit it (x6)

Shannon-What you acting shy for

Mariah y Alistair-Uh huh you see me in the spotlight, oh I love your style uh huh show me what you got cause I don't wanna waste my time uh huh see me in the spot light, oh I love your style uh huh show me what you got now come on make it worth my while

Kitty-Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it Give it to me I'm worth it Baby I'm worth it Uh-huh I'm worth it Gimme gimme I'm worth it


Episodio II

Canciones del episodio
I just wanna be with you High school musical Tristan, Madison, Katherine y Francis
I´ll make a man out of you Mulán Taylor, Myron, Katherine, Francis, Greg, Gregory y Sheldon

Skylart- I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our future's coming soon We're being pulled

Skylart y Madison-A hundred different directions Madison-But whatever happens

Los 2-I know I've got you

Skylart-You're on my mind You're in my heart

Los 2-It doesn't matter where we are

Skylart-We'll be alright

Los 2-Even if we're Miles apart

Francis y Katherine-All I wanna do Is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can't do Just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us Nothing can break us apart (Francis-You know it's true) I just wanna be with you


Francis-Just be with you

Katherine-Oh yeah yeah

Francis-You know how life can be It changes overnight

Los 2-It's sunny then raining But it's alright

Katherine-A friend like you

Los 2-Always makes it easy

Francis-I know that you get me Los 2-Every time Through every up, through every down You know I'll always be around Through anything you can count on me All I wanna do Is be with you, be with you There's nothing we can't do Just wanna be with you Only you No matter where life takes us Nothing can break us apart (Francis-You know it's true) I just wanna be with you I just wanna be with you


Taylor-Let's get down to business To defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters When I asked for sons? You're the saddest bunch I ever met But you can bet before we're through (Los mira a todos) Mister, I'll make a man Out of you.


Greg-Tranquil as a forest But on fire within. Once you find your center You are sure to win. You're a spineless, pale pathetic lot And you haven't got a clue. Somehow I'll make a man Out of you.


Gregory-I'm never gonna catch my breath

Sheldon-Say goodbye to those who knew me

Myron-Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym

Francis-This guy's got them scared to death

Katherine-Hope he doesn't see right through me

Greg-Now I really wish that I knew how to swim

Todos-Be a man

Taylor-We must be swift as a coursing river

Todos-Be a man

Taylor-With all the force of a great typhoon

Todos-Be a man

Taylor-With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon


Francis-Time is racing toward us 'til the Huns arrive. Heed my every order And you might survive.

Sheldon-You're unsuited for the rage of war So pack up, go home you're through. How could I make a man Out of you?

Todos-Be a man

Katherine-We must be swift as a coursing river

Todos-Be a man

Katherine-With all the force of a great typhoon

Todos-Be a man

Katherine-With all the strength of a raging fire Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Todos-Be a man

Katherine y Francis-We must be swift as a coursing river

Todos-Be a man

Greg y Gregory-With all the force of a great typhoon

Todos-Be a man

Taylor y Myron-With all the strength of a raging fire

Todos-Mysterious as the dark side of

Sheldon con New Directoins-The moon!!!!!


Episodio III(Un extraño y divertido encuentro)

Canciones del episodio
Tear in my heart/Holding on to you Twenty one pilots Tristan, Madison, Mason, Kitty, Alistair, Mariah, Roderick, Spencer y Shannon
How deep is your love Bee Gees Tristan, Madison, Mason, Kitty, Alistair, Mariah, Roderick, Spencer y Shannon
Peligro Reik Bill, Andreas, Hayley, Sam, Tristan, Madison, Shannon, Alistair y Mariah
Umbrella Versión All Time Low Joey

Mason-I'm taking over my body, Back in control, no more shotty, I bet a lot of me was lost, Ts uncrossed and Is undotted, I fought it a lot And it seems a lot like flesh is all I got, Not anymore, flesh out the door, Swat

Shannon-I must've forgot, you can't trust me, I'm open a moment and close when you show it, Before you know it, I'm lost at sea, And now that I write and think about it, And the story unfolds, You should take my life, You should take my soul.

Roderick-You are surrounding all my surroundings, Sounding down the mountain range of my left-side brain, You are surrounding all my surroundings, Twisting the kaleidoscope behind both of my eyes.

Madison y Kitty-She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive, She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire, She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher, Than I've ever been.

Spencer-The songs on the radio are ok, But my taste in music is your face, And it takes a song to come around to show you how.

Spencer y Mariah-She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive, She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire, She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher, Than I've ever been. Than I've ever been Than I've ever been Than I've ever been


Skylart-Remember the moment You know exactly where you're going, 'Cause the next moment, Before you know it, time is slowing And it's frozen still, And the window sill looks really nice, right? You think twice about your life, It probably happens at night, Right? Fight it

Alistair-Take the pain, ignite it, Tie a noose around your mind Loose enough to breathe fine and tie it To a tree. Tell it, "You belong to me. This ain't a noose, this is a leash. And I have news for you: you must obey me."

Shannon y Mariah-She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive, She's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire, She's the tear in my heart, Take me higher, Than I've ever been.


Kitty-Entertain my faith. (x5)

Madison-Entertain my faith (x3)

Madison y Kitty-Entertain my faith, entertain my faith

Shannon y Mariah-My heart is my armor, She's the tear in my heart, she's a carver, She's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther, Than I've ever been. Than I've ever been Than I've ever been Than I've ever been My heart is my armor, She's the tear in my heart, she's a carver, She's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther, Than I've ever been.


Skylart-I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain

Madison-And the moment that you wander far from me I wanna feel you in my arms again

Roderick-And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave

Alistair-And it's me you need to show How Deep Is Your Love How deep is your love, How deep is your love I really need to learn 'Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me

Mariah-I believe in you You know the door to my very soul

Spencer-You're the light in my deepest darkest hour You're my saviour when I fall

Kitty-And you may not think I care for you When you know down inside That I really do

Shannon-And it's me you need to show How Deep Is Your Love How deep is your love, How deep is your love

Mariah y Shannon-I really need to learn Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me

Shannon y Skylart-Larararara.....

Mason-And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave And it's me you need to show How Deep Is Your Love

Todos-How deep is your love, How deep is your love I really need to learn 'Cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me (x3)


Bill-No logre tomar Distancia critica Me vuelvo a equivocar La historia típica Y en un irracional Impulso eléctrico Mi corazón corre en tu dirección

Sam-Me hace tanto mal Tu humor errático Te sigo sin pensar En automático Si doy un paso más Ya no lograre volver No sé cómo retroceder Una y otra vez Tengo que luchar conmigo ah ah aah

Andreas-Vivo en peligro y otra vez Corro por la línea de fuego Me besas y caigo en tu juego

Hayley- Peligro de caer En tu voz estoy perdida

Los 2-No escucho A mi sexto sentido

Sam-Oh oh oohh (x3) Ah ah aahh

Shannon-Usas contra mi Tu voz hipnótica De nuevo voy a ti

Skylart-No tiene lógica No sé cómo cruzar Un laberinto que yo construí Quiero salir de aquí Una y otra vez vuelvo a tropezar contigo ah ah aah


Mariah-Vivo en peligro y otra vez corro por la línea de fuego

Madison-Me besas y caigo en tu juego

Alistair-Peligro de caer En tu voz estoy perdido No escucho A mi sexto sentido

Sam-Oh oh oohhh (x3) ah ah aahh


Sam-Oh oh oohh (x3)


Sam y Hayley-Vivo en peligro Y otra vez corro por la línea de fuego

Mariah y Alistair-Me besas y caigo en tu juego Peligro de caer En tu voz estoy perdido

Skylart y Shannon-No escucho A mi sexto sentido

(Oh ooh oh (x3) )


Joey-You had my heart and we'll never be world apart Maybe in magazines but you'll still be my star Baby cause in the dark You can see shiny cars And that's when you need me there With you I'll always share Because...When the sun shines We'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath I'mma stick it out 'till the end Now that it's raining more than ever Told you we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella You can stand under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrela (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh) These fancy things, will never come in between You are my entity Here for infinity When the war has took its part When the world has dealt it's cards If the hand is hard Together we'll mend your heart Because...When the sun shines We'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath I'mma stick it out 'till the end Now that it's raining more than ever Told you we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrela You can stand under my umbrella (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh) You can run into my arms It's okay don't be alarmed (Come into me) (There's no distance in between our love) Gonna let the rain pour I'll be all you need and more Because...When the sun shines We'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath I'mma stick it out 'till the end Now that it's raining more than ever Told you we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrela You can stand under my umbrela (Ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh) Under my umbrella (ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh) It's raining (raining) Oh baby it's raining baby come into me Come into me It's raining (raining) O baby it's raining Oh baby come into me Come into me


Episodio IV

Cancones del episodio
I like it Enrique Iglesias ft Pítbull Francis y Sheldon
We can´t stop Miley Cyrus Bill Kaulitz, Hayley Williams, Sam Smith, Andreas, Kitty, Spencer, Alistair, Mariah, Roderick, Mason, Madison, Tristan, Shannon y New Directions
Hot Stuff Davichi Mariah y Madison

Los 2-Uuuhhhh

Sheldon-Girl please excuse me if I'm coming too strong But tonight is the night we can really let it go My girlfriend is out of town and I'm all alone

Francis-Your boyfriend's on vacation and he doesn't have to know No oh oh, oh oh No one can do the things I'm gonna wanna do to you

Sheldon-No oh oh, oh oh Shout aloud, scream aloud Let me hear you go!

Francis-Baby I like it

Sheldon-The way you move on the floor

Francis-Baby I like it

Sheldon-Come on and give me some more

Francis-Oh yes I like it

Sheldon-Screaming like never before Baby I like it I, I, I like it.

Francis-Party, karamu, fiesta, forever


Francis-Girl please excuse me if I'm misbehaving, oh I'm trying keep my hands off but you're begging me for more

Sheldon-Round round round give a low low low Let the time time pass

Los 2-Cause we're never getting old

Sheldon-No oh oh, oh oh No one can do it better turn around I'll give you more No oh oh, oh oh Shout aloud, scream aloud Let me hear you go!

Francis-Baby I like it

Sheldon-The way you move on the floor

Francis-Baby I like it

Sheldon-Come on and give me some more

Francis-Oh yes I like it

Sheldon-Screaming like never before Baby I like it I, I, I like it.

Francis-Go DJ. That's my DJ. I'm a Miami boy. You know how we play I ain't playing with you but I wanna play with you Give me got me good. Now watch me. It's a different species, Get me in DC Let's party on the White House lawn Tiger Woods plus Jesse James equals Francis all night long Wake up Barack and Michelle, let 'em know that it's on

Sheldon-I see you watching me, You see me watchin' you I love the way you move

Los 2-I like the things you do like.

Francis-Don't stop baby, don't stop baby Just keep on shaking along

Sheldon-I won't stop baby, won't stop baby Until you get enough

Francis-Party, karamu, fiesta, forever...Baby I like it!

Sheldon-The way you move on the floor

Francis-Baby I like it!

Sheldon-Come on and give me some more!

Francis-Oh yes I like it!

Sheldon-Screaming like never before Baby I like it! I, I, I like it!

Francis-Baby I like it!

Sheldon-The way you move on the floor

Francis-Baby I like it!

Sheldon-Come on and give me some more! Oh yes I like it!

Francis-Screaming like never before Baby I like it! I, I, I like it!

Los 2-Party karamu, fiesta, forever! (Francis-Oh yes i like it) (x2)


Sheldon-It's our party, we can do what we want It's our party, we can say what we want It's our party, we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can screw who we want (x2)

Katherine-Heey, Red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere Hands in the air like we don't care Cause we came to have so much fun now Got somebody here, might get some now

Kitty-If you're not ready to go home Can I get a "hell no"? Cause we gonna go all night Till we see the sunlight, alright

Mariah-So "la da di da di", we like to party Dancing with miley Doing whatever we want

Mariah y Roderick-This is our house This is our rules

Andreas-And we can't stop (Who) And we won't stop (Who)

Sam Bill y Hayley-Can't you see it's we who own the night? Can't you see it we who bout' that life?

Taylor-And we can't stop (Who) And we won't stop (Who)

Francis y Katherine-We run things Things don't run we Don't take nothing from nobody

Gregory-It's our party, we can do what we want It's our party, we can say what we want It's our party, we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can screw who we want

Madison-To my homegirls here with the big butts Shaking it like we at a strip club Remember, only God can judge us Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya

Skylart-And everyone in line in the bathroom Trying to get a line in the bathroom

Greg-We all so turned up here Getting turned up, yeah, yeah

Alistair-So "la da da di", we like to party Dancing with miley Doing whatever we want

Alistair y Greg con los chicos-This is our house This is our rules

Bill-And we can't stop (Who) And we won't stop (Who)

Spencer y Roderick-Can't you see it's we who own the night? Can't you see it we who bout' that life?

Hayley-And we can't stop (Who) And we won't stop (Who)

Sam Hayley y Bill-We run things Things don't run we Don't take nothing from nobody

Shannon-It's our party, we can do what we want It's our party, we can say what we want It's our party, we can love who we want We can kiss who we want We can screw who we want

Myron-It's our party, we can do what (Todos-we want to) It's our house, we can love who (Todos-we want to)

Taylor-It's our song, we can sing if (Todos-we want to) It's my mouth, I can say what (Todos-I want to)

Alistair Greg y Spencer-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah And we can't stop (Greg-Yeah) And we won't stop (Greg-Wooh) Can't you see it's we who own the night Can't you see it we who bout' that life (Greg-bout' that life)

Katherine y Francis-And we can't stop And we won't stop

Roderick y Mariah-We run things Things don't run we Don't take nothing from nobody Yea, Yea, Yea


Mariah y Madison-Hot Stuff naege gakkai wabwa Hanbeon chagaun naemameul kkaebwa

Madison-Taoreuldeutan tteugeoun nunbicheuro Nae mame bureul jilleo

Mariah y Madison-Hot Stuff simjangi da tado joha Hanbeon saneungeon gaseum tteugeopge

Mariah-Maeil michindeut butgateun sarangeuro Nae maeum da taewo neol saranghallae

Madison-Haru tto jinado neul geureoko Geureon nal jaeminago hwakkeunhan il mwo eobseulkka Hyudaepon soge ireumdeul neomchyeonado jeongjak ibam bureulsaram eomneungeol

Mariah-Oerowotdeon naui gaseumsoge seollemeuro dagaon saram Neoreul hyanghae gago itjanha Saranga naemameul jalbutakhae

Madison y Mariah-Hot Stuff naege gakkai wabwa Hanbeon chagaun naemameul kkaebwa

Madison-Taoreuldeutan tteugeoun nunbicheuro Nae mame bureul jilleo

Las 2-Hot Stuff simjangi da tado joha Hanbeon saneungeo gaseum tteugeopge

Mariah-Maeil michindeut butgateun sarangeuro Nae maeum da taewo neol saranghallae


Madison-Ttaeroneun sesangi jigyeopgo sisihaedo Gyeote inneun neo ttaemune dalkomhae

Mariah-Eoduwotdeon naui gaseumsogeul haengbogeuro barkhyeojun saram Nunmullo da kkeoteurijiman

Mariah-Saranga naemameul jalbutakhae

Las 2-Hot Stuff naege gakkai wabwa Hanbeon chagaun naemameul kkaebwa

Madison-Taoreuldeutan tteugeoun nunbicheuro Nae mame bureul jilleo

Las 2-Hot Stuff simjangi da tado joha Hanbeon saneungeo gaseum tteugeopge

Mariah-Maeil michindeut butgateun sarangeuro Nae maeum da taewo neol saranghae

Madison-Neodo tteugeopge nal saranghaejwe Hanbeon jukdorok naege michyeobwa Kkeojiji anheul yeongwonhan bulkkoccheoreom Sarangeul sorijilleo

Las 2-Hot Stuff mijigeun hangeon nan sirheo (Mariah-Sirheo) Hanbeon saneungeo gaseum tteugeopge

Madison-Huhoeeopdorok nae mameul da jugesseo Nae gaseum da busyeoneol saranghallae


Episodio V

Canciones del episodio
Beat it Michael Jackson Sam Smith, Spencer, Shannon, Tristan y New Directions con Jeremy y los Atletas
Bang Bang Cover Sam Tsui, Max y Kurt Schneider Jack, Zack y Rian
Thriller/Heads Will Roll Michael Jackson/Yeah yeah Yeahs Mason, Madison, Tristan, Shannon, Mariah, Roderick, Spencer y New Directions
The boys are back High School Musical 3 Taylor y Greg
Sweet Victory Van Halen New Directions

Sam-They told him, "Don't you ever come around here. Don't wanna see your face. You better disappear." The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear So beat it, just beat it

Spencer-You better run, you better do what you can Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man You wanna be tough, better do what you can So beat it, but you wanna be bad

Jeremy-Just beat it

Atletas-beat it

Jeremy-beat it

Atletas-beat it

Jeremy y los atletas-No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fight It doesn't matter who's wrong or right Just beat it, beat it [4x]

Francis-They're out to get you, better leave while you can Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man

Gregory-You wanna stay alive, better do what you can So beat it, just beat it

Katherine-You have to show them that you're really not scared You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare

Skylart-They'll kick you, then they beat you, then they'll tell you it's fair So beat it, but you wanna be bad

Jeremy-Just beat it,

Atletas-beat it

Jeremy-beat it

Atletas-beat it

Katherine con los chicos-No one wants to be defeated Showlos chicosin' how funky strong is your fight It doesn't matter who's wrong or right (x2) Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it


Shannon-Beat it

Todos-beat it

Shannon-beat it

Todos-beat it

Taylor y Greg-No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fight It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Sam-Just beat it

Todos-beat it

Sam-beat it

Todos-beat it

Sam con los chicos-No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fight It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Jeremy y los atletas-Just beat it, beat it Beat it, beat it, beat it (x3)


Jack-He got a body like an hour glass But I can give it to you all the time He got a booty like a Cadillac But I can send you into overdrive (oh) (Zack-You've been waiting for that... Step on up swing your bat)

Jack y Zack-See anybody could be bad to you, You need a good boy to blow your mind, yeah

Jack-Bang bang into the room (Zack-I know ya want it) Bang bang all over you (Zack-I'll let ya have it)

Los 3-Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah)

Jack-Bang bang there goes your heart (Zack-I know ya want it) Back, back seat of my car (Zack-I'll let ya have it)

Los 3-Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah)

Zack-He might've let you hold his hand in school But I'm a show you how to graduate No, I don't need to hear you talk the talk Just come and show me what your momma gave (oh, yeah) (Jack-Okay you've got a very big shhh, Mouth but don't say a thing)

Los 2-See anybody could be good to you, You need a bad boy to blow your mind

Zack-Bang bang into the room (Jack-I know ya want it) Bang bang all over you (Jack-I'll let ya have it)

Los 3-Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah)

Zack-Bang bang there goes your heart (Jack-I know ya want it) Back, back seat of my car (Jack-I'll let ya have it)

Los 2-Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah) (Rian-You know what, guys? Let me show you how to do.)

Rian-It's Myx Moscato It's friends in the bottle It's Rian full throttle It's all, all Swimming in the grotto We winning in the lotto We dipping in the pot of blue pho-to Kidding so good This drippin' on Wood Get a ride in the engine that could go Batman Robin it bang, bang, cocking it Queen Rian dominate, prominate It's me, Zack, and Jack If they test me they sorry Riders umph like Harley Then pull off in this Ferrari If he hangin' we bangin' Phone rangin', he slangin' It ain't karaoke night but get the mic 'cause I'm singing (uh) B to da' A to da' N to da' G to da' uh (baby) B to da' A to da' N to da' G to da' hey

Jack-See anybody could be good to you, You need a bad boy to blow your mind (your mind) (Rian-Ok)

Los 3-Bang bang into the room (I know ya want it) Bang bang all over you (Jack-Bang bang bang bang) (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah) Bang bang there goes your heart (I know ya want it) Back, back seat of my car (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah) Bang bang into the room (I know ya want it) Bang bang all over you (I'll let ya have it)

Rian-Yo, I said bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

Los 3-Bang bang there goes your heart (I know ya want it) Back, back seat of my car (I'll let ya have it) Wait a minute lemme take you there (ah) Wait a minute till ya (ah)


Katherine Mariah Kitty Madison y Hayley-Off with your head Dance, dance, dance 'til you're dead Off Off Off with your head Dance dance dance 'til you're dead Off Off Off with your head

Mason-It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart

Mason y Madison-You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it (Hayley-Heads will roll, heads will roll) You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes You're paralyzed

Skylart y Shannon con New Directions-'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

Shannon-And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike

New Directions-You know it's thriller, thriller night

Skylart-You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

Katherine Mariah Kitty Madison y Hayley-Off with your head Dance dance dance 'til you're dead Off Off Off with your head Dance dance dance 'til you're dead

Mariah-Uhh...You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun

Francis y Katherine-You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination (Madison-Heads will roll, heads will roll) But all the while you hear the creature creeping up behind You're out of time

New Directions-Thriller, thriller night

Spencer-There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl

New Directions-Thriller, thriller night

Roderick-You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight

Katherine Mariah Kitty Madison y Hayley-Off with your head Dance dance dance 'til you're dead Off Off Off with your head Dance dance dance 'til you're dead

Greg-Darkness falls across the land The midnight hour is close at hand Creatures crawl in search of blood To terrorize y'alls neighborhood (Madison-Off with your head) And though you fight to stay alive (Madison-Dance 'til you're dead) Your body starts to shiver (Madison-Heads will roll, heads will roll, heads will roll on the floor) For no mere mortal can resist The evil of the thriller


Spencer-'Cause this is thriller, thriller night Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try

New Directions-Thriller, thriller night

Alistair-So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, tonight

Katherine Mariah Maidison Kitty y Hayley-Off with your head Dance dance dance 'til you're dead Off Off Off with your head Dance dance dance 'til you're dead Off Off Off with your head


Greg-Take it back to the place where you know it all began

Taylor-It can be anything we wanna be

Greg-You can tell by the noise that the boys are back again

Taylor-Together makin' history

Los 2-It's time to show how

Greg-To be a superhero

Los 2-Just like, a showdown

Taylor-Wiil Smith and Bobby DeNiro

Los 2-Were the best, no doubt

Greg-Turn it like we used to do

Los 2-This is our time

Taylor-And I'm telling you

Los 2-Ohhhhhhh! The Boys are back! (Hey) The Boys are back! (That's right!) The Boys are back, gonna do it again, gonna wake up the neighborhood! The Boys are back! (Yeah) The Boys are back! Climbin' up the walls, anytime we want, the word is out The Boys are back! The Boys are back, back to save the day! The Boys are back! (Oh yeah)

Greg-Keep doin' it right, when we fight every single time

Taylor-Undefeated here in our house, yeah!

Greg-We can mock, we can shock, anytime we like

Taylor-And tonight were goin all of

Los 2-It's time to show how

Greg-to be a superhero

Los 2-Just like, a showdown

Taylor-kick the pedal to the metal

Los 2-Were the best, no doubt

Greg-turn it like we used to do

Los 2-This is our time, and I'm telling you Ohhhhhhh! The Boys are back! (Hey) The Boys are back! (That's right!) The Boys are back, gonna do it again, gonna wake up the neighborhood! The Boys are back! (Yeah) The Boys are back! Climbin' up the walls, anytime we want, the word is out The Boys are back!

Greg-Here to change the world!

Los 2-To solve the mystery, fight the battle, save the girl! (No one) No one can stop us now Were the ones, that make for rules Ooooohhh!


Los 2-The Boys Are Back Oh!Oh!Hey! The Boys are back! (Hey) The Boys are back! (That's right!) The Boys are back, gonna do it again, gonna wake up the neighborhood! The Boys are back! (Yeah) The Boys are back! Climbin' up the walls, anytime we want No need to worry 'cause The Boys are back! (Hey) The Boys are back! (Look out now!) The Boys are back, gonna do it again, and we make it look good! The Boys are back! (Yeah) The Boys are back! Tearin' down the walls, anytime we want, I'm sure that you know by now The Boys are back!


Taylor-The winner takes all. It's the thrill of one more kill. The last one to fall, will never sacrifice thy will.

Taylor y Greg-Don't ever look back on the wind closing in. The only attack were their wings on the wind.

Greg-Oh, the daydream begins....

Skylart y Shannon-And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.

Shannon-And it's ours for the taking

Skylart y Shannon-it's ours for the fight, In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah.

Skylart-And the one who's last to fall

Los 2-The winner takes all!!!

Roderick-You don't win no silver You only lose gold

Mariah y Roderick-You push with a fever

Spencer-For your time keeps tolling on

Spencer y Mariah-Against all the odds, Against all your pain Your backs on the Wall With no one to blame

Alistair-Wild hearts won't be tamed

Francis y Sheldon-And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, oh

Jeremy-(Los veía de lejos)

Sheldon-It's ours for the taking

Sheldon y Francis-it's ours for the fight, And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory

Francis-And the one who's last to fall Los 2-Uuuuhhh the winner takes all!!!


Taylor y Greg-Take it!!


Madison-And the one who's last to fall


Bill y Sam-Sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah it's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight

Taylor y Greg-And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory yeah And the one who's last to fall The winer takes aaaaallllll!!!!!


Episodio 6

Canciones del episodio
Can you feel my heart Bring me the horrinzon Didier y Thomas
A love like war All time low ft Vic Fuentes Joey y Madison

Thomas-Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken?

Didier y Thomas-Can you feel, can you feel my heart?


(Didier-Can you feel my heart)

Didier-Can you help the hopeless? Well, I'm begging on my knees Can you save my busted soul? Will you wait for me?

Thomas-I'm sorry brothers, so sorry lover Forgive me father, I love you mother Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel my heart? Can you feel my heart? (Didier-Can you feel my heart x2)


Thomas-I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone I long for that feeling to not feel at all The higher I get, the lower I'll sink I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone I long for that feeling to not feel at all The higher I get the lower I'll sink I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone I long for that feeling to not feel at all The higher I get, the lower I'll sink I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim (Can you feel my heart)


Didier-Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel, can you feel my heart?


Joey-Make a wish on our sorry little hearts Have a smoke, pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark Fingernails on my skin like the teeth of a shark I'm intoxicated by the lie In the chill of your stare I am painfully lost Like a deer in the lights of an oncoming bus For the thrill of your touch I will shamefully lust As you tell me we're nothing but trouble


Madison-Heart's on fire tonight Feel my bones ignite

Los 2-Feels like war, war Feels like war, war

Madison-Heart's on fire tonight Feel my bones ignite

Los 2-Feels like war, war Feels like war, war

Madison-We go together or we don't go down at all

Joey-We go together or we don't go down at all

Madison-We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa

Joey-Fail-safe trigger, lock-down call Wipe the dry clean-slate

Joey y Madison-Quick sound the alarm No escape from the truth and the weight of it all I am caught in the web of a lie And the bitch of it all is that I'm running from The desire of the people to whom I belong At the end of the day you can tell me I'm wrong Cause you went to all of this trouble

Madison-Heart's on fire tonight Feel my bones ignite

Los 2-Feels like war, war Feels like war, war

Madison-Heart's on fire tonight Feel my bones ignite

Los 2-Feels like war, war Feels like war, war

Madison-We go together or we don't go down at all

Joey-We go together or we don't go down at all

Madison-We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa (Let's go!)


Joey-Heart's on fire tonight Feel my bones ignite It feels like war (it feels like war) Love feels like war (love feels like war)

Madison-Heart's on fire tonight Feel my bones ignite

Los 2-Feels like war, war Feels like war, war

Madison-Heart's on fire tonight Feel my bones ignite

Los 2-Love feels like war, war Feels like war, war (Madison-one more time!)

Madison-We go together or we don't go down at all

Joey-We go together or we don't go down at all

Los 2-We go together or we don't go down at all, whoa

Madison-Is this the end of us or just the means to start again?


Episodio VII

Canciones del episodio
Caraphernelia Pierce The Veil ft Jeremy McKinnon Víctor, Didier y Thomas
Wherever you will go The Calling Kitty y Andreas

Víctor-Sunshine, there ain't a thing that you can do that's gonna ruin my night. (But, there's just something about) This dizzy dreamer and her bleeding little blue boy. Licking your fingers like you're done and, You've decided there is so much more than me. And baby, honestly it's harder breathing next to you, I shake. I brought a gun and as the preacher tried to stop me. Hold my heart it's beating for you anyway.

Didier-What if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat. I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

Thomas-What's so good about picking up the pieces? None of the colors ever light up anymore in this hole.

Víctor-Nobody prays for the heartless. Nobody gives another penny for the selfish. You're learning how to taste what you kill now.

Thomas-Don't mind me, I'm just reaching for your necklace. Talking to my mom about this little girl from Texas.

Didier-What if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat. I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

Thomas-What's so good about picking up the pieces? None of the colors ever light up anymore in this hole.

Víctor-Just give her back to me. You know I can't afford the medicine that feeds what I need. So, baby, what if I can't forget you? (Didier-What if I can't forget you?) Collide invisible lips like a shadow on the wall, And just throw, oh no.

Didier-You can't just throw me away.!!!!


Thomas-So, what if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat. I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

Víctor-What's so good about picking up the pieces? What if I don't even want to? Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh, oh. Oh.

Didier-What if I can't forget you? I'll burn your name into my throat. I'll be the fire that'll catch you.

Thomas-What's so good about picking up the pieces? None of the colors ever light up anymore in this hole.

Víctor-Just give her back to me. You know I can't afford the medicine that feeds what I need. So, baby, what if I can't forget you? (Didier-What if I can't forget you?) I'd better learn to live alone.

Thomas-What's so good about picking up the pieces? What's so good about? What's so good about? What's so good about picking up the pieces? Oh.


Andreas-So lately, I've been wonderin Who will be there to take my place When I'm gone, you'll need love To light the shadows on your face If a great wave should fall It would fall upon us all And between the sand and Stone Could you make it on your own

Andreas y Kitty-If I could, then I would I'll go wherever you will go Way up high or down low I'll go wherever you will go

Kitty-And maybe, I'll find out The way to make it back someday To watch you, to guide you Through the darkest of your days If a great wave should fall It would fall upon us all

Andreas-Well I hope there's someone out there Who can bring me back to you If I could, then I would I'll go wherever you will go Way up high or down low I'll go wherever you will go

Los 2-Runaway with my heart Runaway with my hope Runaway with my love


Andreas-I know now, just quite how My life and love might still go on

Kitty-In your heart and your mind I'll stay with you for all of time

Los 2-If I could, then I would I'll go wherever you will go Way up high or down low I'll go wherever you will go If I could turn back time I'll go wherever you will go If I could make you mine I'll go wherever you will go


Episodio Viii

Canciones del episodio
Just dance Lady Gaga Madison Kitty y Spencer
Stone Cold Demi Lovato Alistair
In the end Linkin Park Tristan Shannon y Mason
Smell like teen spirit Nirvana Joey
Fraking me out Simple Plan ft Alex Gaskarth Alistair y Madison

Madison-A RedOne, Konvict GaGa, oh-oh, eh I've had a little bit too much, much All of the people start to rush, start to rush by How does he twist the dance? Can't find a drink, oh man

Kitty-Where are my keys? I lost my phone, phone

Madison-What's going on on the floor?

Kitty-I love this record baby but I can't see straight anymore

Madison-Keep it cool, what's the name of this club?

Kitty-I can't remember but it's alright, a-alright Just dance

Spencer-Gonna be okay

Madison-da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance spin that record babe da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, (Spencer-gonna be okay), d-d-d-dance Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance ...Wish I could shut my playboy mouth, oh oh oh-oh How'd I turn my shirt inside out? Inside outright Control your poison babe, roses have thorns they say And we're all getting hosed tonight, oh oh oh-oh What's going on on the floor? Kitty-I love this record baby but I can't see straight anymore

Madison-Keep it cool, what's the name of this club?

Kitty-I can't remember but it's alright, a-alright Just dance

Spencer-Gonna be okay

Madison-da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance,

Spencer-Gonna be okay

Madison-d-d-d-dance Dance, dance, just, j-j-just

Spencer-When I come through on the dance floor checkin' out that catalog Can't believe my eyes, so many women without a flaw And I ain't gon' give it up, steady tryin' to pick it up like a car I'ma hit it, I'ma hit it and flex and do it until tomorr' yeah

Spencer y Kitty-Shorty I can see that you got so much energy

Spencer-The way you're twirlin' up them hips 'round and 'round

Spencer y Kitty-And now there's no reason at all why you can't leave here with me

Spencer-In the meantime stay and let me watch you break it down And


Spencer-gonna be okay(Oooh)

Kitty- da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance (Spencer- Uh yeah), spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm (Spencer-Uh yeah) Just dance

Spencer-Gonna be okay

Kitty-da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, (Spencer-gonna be okay), d-d-d-dance Dance, dance,(Spencer-Yeah) just, j-j-just dance


Spencer-Woo! Let's go!

Kitty-Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic Got my blueprint, it's symphonic Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic Got my blueprint electronic Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic Got my blueprint, it's symphonic Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic Got my blueprint electronic

Madison-Go! Use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle

Spencer-I got it, just stay close enough to get it

Madison-Don't slow! Drive it, clean it, lights out, bleed it Spend the lasto (Spencer-I got it) In your pocko (Spencer-I got it)

Kitty y Madison-Just dance, (Spencer-gonna be okay), da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, (Madison-Baby!!)(Spencer-gonna be okay), da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, spin that record babe, da da doo-doo-mmm Just dance, gonna be okay, d-d-d-dance Dance, dance, just, j-j-just dance


Alistair-Stone cold, stone cold You see me standing, but I'm dying on the floor Stone cold, stone cold Maybe if I don't cry, I won't feel anymore Stone cold, baby God knows I tried to feel Happy for you Know that I am, even if I Can't understand, I'll take the pain Give me the truth, me and my heart We'll make it through If happy is her, I'm happy for you Hmmmm Stone cold, stone cold You're dancing with her, while I'm staring at my phone Stone cold, stone cold I was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold Stone cold, baby God knows I tried to feel Happy for you Know that I am, even if I Can't understand, I'll take the pain Give me the truth, me and my heart We'll make it through If happy is her, I'm happy for you Don't wanna be stone cold, Stone...I wish I could mend this but here's my goodbye Oh, I'm happy for you Know that I am, even if I Can't understand If happy is her, If happy is... her!! I'm happy for you


Shannon-It starts with (Skylart-One)

Skylart (Con Mason)-One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind i designed this rhyme to explain in due time (All I know) Time is a valuable thing Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings Watch it count down to the end of the day The clock ticks life away (It's so unreal) Didn't look out below Watch the time go right out the window Trying to hold on, didn't even know I wasted it all just (to watch you go) I kept everythin inside And even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when i

Mason (Con Skylart)-(Tried so hard) and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter

Shannon (Con Mason)-One thing, I don't know why It doesn't even matter how hard you try Keep that in mind i designed this rhyme to remind myself how (I tried so hard) In spite of the way you were mocking me Acting like I was part of your property Remembering all the times you fought with me I'm surprised it got (so far) Things aren't the way they were before You wouldn't even recognize me anymore Not that you knew me back then But it all comes back to me (in the end) I kept everything inside And even though I tried It all fell apart What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I

Mason (Con Shannon)-(Tried so hard) and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter... I put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know...I tried so hard and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall to lose it all But in the end it doesn't even matter


Joey-Load up on guns, bring your friends It's fun to lose and to pretend She's over bored and self assured Oh no, I know a dirty Word Hello, hello, hello, how low? [x3] Hello, hello, hello! With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My libido Yeah, hey, yay I'm worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been And always will until the end Hello, hello, hello, how low? [x3] Hello, hello, hello! With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My libido Yeah, hey, yay And I forget just why I taste Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile I found it hard, it's hard to find Oh well, whatever, never mind Hello, hello, hello, how low? [x3] Hello, hello, hello! With the lights out, it's less dangerous Here we are now, entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now, entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My libido A denial! [x9]


Madison-What the hell's going on Have you gone undercover? You were here, now you're not Been replaced by another Cause it's still your face But there's something strange Not the one I remember Can you please explain Did they wipe your brain? Is this gonna be forever?

Alistair y Madison-Cause everything you say Everything you do Is freaking me out, freaking me out You know we used to be the same Who the hell are you Freaking me out, freaking me out

Madison-Then I swear I thought I knew you But all that was yesterday And now you turn it around, what's that about? Cause you're freaking me out, freaking me out


Alistair-Think you're real, but you're fake Think you're deep, but you're shallow You've become, what you hate Now you're lost, just a shadow So we pull your strings Cause it makes no sense That you act like you're better You can say these things To your so-called friends And they just might think you're clever

Alistair y Madison-But everything you say Everything you do Is freaking me out, freaking me out You know we used to be the same Who the hell are you Freaking me out, freaking me out

Alistair-Then I swear I thought I knew you But all that was yesterday

Alistair y Madison-And now you turn it around, what's that about? Cause you're freaking me out, freaking me out


Alistair-Wake up, wake up, wake up

Madison-Snap out of it

Alistair-Wake up, wake up, wake up

Madison-Snap out of it

Alistair-Wake up, wake up

Los 2-Wake up!!!! Everything you say Everything you do Is freaking me out, freaking me out You know we used to be the same Who the hell are you Freaking me out, freaking me out

Madison-And now Everything you say Everything you do Is freaking me out, freaking me out So why'd you play your games Who're you trying to fool? Freaking me out, freaking me out

Alistair-And I swear I thought I knew you But all that was yesterday And now you turn it around, what's that about? Cause you're freaking me out, freaking me out


Episodio 9

Canciones del episodio
If it means a lot you A day to remember Shannon y Bree
I didn´t know that i could feel this way La dama y el vagabundo II Spencer y Alistair

Shannon-And hey darling, I hope you're good tonight. And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving. Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it. Tell me something sweet to get me by, 'Cause I can't come back home till they're singing La, la la la, la la la, Till everyone is singing If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear to you that we can make this last. (La la la) If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past. Well it might be for the best. (Música)

Bree-And hey sweetie, Well I need you here tonight, And I know that you don't wanna be leaving me Yeah, you want it, but I can't help it. I just feel complete when you're by my side, But I know you can't come home till they're singing La, la la la, la la la,

Shannon-Till everyone is singing. La, la la la, la la la. If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear to you that we can make this last. (La la la) If you can wait till I get home, Then I swear come tomorrow, this will all be in our past. Well it might be for the best.

Bree-You know you can't give me what I need. And even though you mean so much to me, I can't wait through everything,

Shannon-Is this really happening?...I swear I'll never be happy again. And don't you dare say we can just be friends. I'm not some boy that you can sway.

Shannon y Bree-We knew it'd happen eventually.

Todos-La, la la la, la la la, Now everybody's singing. La, la la la, la la la, Now everybody's singing. La, la la la, la la la, (Shannon y Bree-If you can wait till I get home) Now everybody's singing. La, la la la, la la la, (Shannon y Bree-Then I swear we can make this last) Now everybody's singing. La, la la la, la la la, (Shannon y Bree-If you can wait till I get home) Now everybody's singing. La, la la la, la la la, (Shannon y Bree-Then I swear we can make this last) Now everybody's singing. La


Spencer-I never had this feeling before He gives me shakes and shivers I can't ignore And I see that there's more now Than just running free

Alistair-I never felt my heart beat so fast I'm thinking of him first and of myself last And how happy I want him to be

Spencer-It's amazing! Someone in my life Just might be loving me I didn't know that I could feel this way

Alistair-It's so crazy! Something in my life is better than a dream I didn't know that I could feel this way

Spencer-He makes me warm and happy inside

Alistair-He smiles and I get dizzy and starry-eyed

Los 2-All these feelings I have Have me asking

Alistair-Can this be love?

Spencer-Can this be love?

Alistair-It's crazy

Los 2-I can hardly speak Whenever he says hi

Alistair-I didn't know that I could feel...

Spencer-I never dreamed that I could feel

Los 2-I didn't know that I could feel this... Way


Episodio X (Capítulo de 2 partes)


Canciones del episodio
Stressed out Twnety one pilots Mason Roderick Madison Spencer y New Directions
Born this way Lady Gaga New Directions
The Hills The weeknd New Directions
November Rain Gunds N Roses New Directions

Greg-I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard, I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words, I wish I found some chords in an order that is new, I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang

Gregory-I was told when I get older all my fears would shrink, But now I'm insecure and I care what people think.

Francis-My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think. My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think.

Sheldon-Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.

Sheldon y Francis-Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.


Los 2-We're stressed out.


Mason-Sometimes a certain smell will take me back to when I was young, How come I'm never able to identify where it's coming from, I'd make a candle out of it if I ever found it, Try to sell it, never sell out of it, I'd probably only sell one

Roderick-It'd be to my brother, 'cause we have the same nose, Same clothes homegrown a stone's throw from a creek we used to roam, But it would remind us of when nothing really mattered, Out of student loans and treehouse homes we all would take the latter.

Madison-My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think. My name's 'Blurryface' and I care what you think.

Spencer-Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out. Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.

Greg-We used to play pretend, give each other different names, We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away, Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face, Saying

Greg con los chicos-"Wake up, you need to make money."

Greg-Yo. We used to play pretend, give each other different names, We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away, Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face, Saying

Greg con los chicos-"Wake up, you need to make money."


Mason-Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.

Madison-Wish we could turn back time, to the good ol' days, When our momma sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out.

Gregory-Used to play pretend, used to play pretend, bunny We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money Used to play pretend, used to play pretend, bunny We used to play pretend, wake up, you need the money We used to play pretend, give each other different names, We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away, Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face, Saying

Todos-"Wake up, you need to make money."



Sheldon-It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M Just put your paws up 'Cause you were born this way, baby


Myron-My mama told me when I was Young We are all born superstars She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on In the glass of her boudoir

Katherine-"There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are" She said, "'Cause He made you perfect, babe" "So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far, Listen to me when I say"

Katherine y Myron con chicas de New Directions-I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret, Just love yourself and you're set

Katherine y Myron-I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Myron-Ooo, there ain't no other way Baby, I was born this way

Katherine con New Directions-Baby, I was bor this way

Myron-Ooo, there ain't other way Baby, I was born-

Los 2-I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Myron-Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be!

Katherine-Give yourself prudence and love your friends Subway kid, rejoice your truth In the religion of the insecure I must be myself, respect my youth

Myron-A different lover is not a sin Believe capital H-I-M (Katherine-hey, hey, hey) I love my life, I love this record and

Los 2-Mi amore vole fe yah (Love needs faith)

Todos-I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret, Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Myron-Ooo, there ain't no other way Baby, I was born this way

Katherne con New Directions-Baby, I was born this way

Myron-Ooo, there ain't other way Baby, I was born-

Todos-I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way


Sheldon-Don't be drag, just be a queen Whether you're broke or evergreen You're black, white, beige, chola descent

Sheldon con New Directions-You're lebanese, you're orient

Sheldon-Whether life's disabilities Left you outcast, bullied or teased Rejoice and love yourself today 'Cause baby, you were born this way

Katherine con Francis y New Directions-No matter gay, straight or bi Lesbian, transgendered life I'm on the right track, baby I was born to survive No matter black, white or beige Chola or orient made I'm on the right track, baby I was born to be brave

Todos-I'm beautiful in my way 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way Don't hide yourself in regret, Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Myron-Ooo, there ain't no other way Baby, I was born this way

Todos-Baby, I was born this way

Myron-Ooo, there ain't other way Baby, I was born-

Todos-I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way

Katherine con New Directions-I was born this way, hey! I was born this wayy, hey! I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, hey!


Taylor-Yeah, Yeah, yeah...Your man on the road, he doin' promo You said, "Keep our business on the low-low" I'm just tryna get you out the friend zone Cause you look even better than the potos I can't find your house, send me the info Drivin' through the gated residential Found out I was comin', sent your friends home Keep on tryna hide it but your friends know

Francis-I only call you when it's half past five The only time that I'll be by your side I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah I only call you when it's half past five The only time I'd ever call you mine I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe

Taylor-I'ma let you know and keep it simple Tryna keep it up don't seem so simple I just fucked two bitches 'fore I saw you And you gon' have to do it at my tempo Always tryna send me off to rehab Drugs started feelin' like it's decaf I'm just tryna live life for the moment And all these motherfuckers want a relapse

Francis-I only call you when it's half past five The only time that I'll be by your side I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah I only call you when it's half past five The only time I'd ever call you mine I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe

Taylor-Hills have eyes, the hills have eyes Who are you to judge, who are you to judge?

Francis-Hide your lies, girl, hide your lies Only you to trust, only you

Taylor, Francis, Greg, Gregory y Sheldon con New Directions-I only call you when it's half past five The only time that I'll be by your side I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, yeah I only fuck you when it's half past five The only time I'd ever call you mine I only love it when you touch me, not feel me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe

Francis-Ewedihalehu Yene konjo, ewedihalehu Yene fikir, fikir, fikir, fikir Yene fikir, fikir, fikir, fikir


Greg-When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained But, darlin', when I hold you Don't you know I feel the same? 'Cause nothin' lasts forever And we both know hearts can change And it's hard to hold a candle In the cold November rain

Gregory-We've been through this such a long, long time Just tryin' to kill the pain, oh, yeah

Sheldon-But lovers always come and lovers always go And no one's really sure who's lettin' go today Walking away If we could take the time To lay it on the line I could rest my head Just knowin' that you were mine All mine

Myron-So, if you want to love me Then, darlin', don't refrain Or I'll just end up walkin' In the cold November rain

Taylor-Do you need some time on your own? Do you need some time all alone? Everybody needs some time on their own Don't you know you need some time All alone?

Katherine-I know it's hard to keep an open heart When even friends seem all to harm you But if you could heal a broken heart Wouldn't time be out to charm you? Oohhh


Francis-Sometimes I need some time on my own Sometimes I need some time all alone Oh, everybody needs some time on their own Oh, don't you know you need some time all alone?


Gregory-And when your fears subside And shadows still remain Oh, yeah I know that you can love me When there's no one left to blame

Sheldon-So never mind the darkness We still can find a way 'Cause nothin' lasts forever Even cold November rain


Todos-Don't ya think that you need somebody? Don't ya think that you need someone? Everybody needs somebody

Francis con New Directions-You're not the only one You're not the only one

Todos-Don't ya think that you need somebody? Don't ya think that you need someone? Everybody needs somebody

Sheldon con New Directions-You're not the only one You're not the only one

Todos-Don't ya think that you need somebody? Don't ya think that you need someone? Everybody needs somebody

Katherine con New Diretions-You're not the only one You're not the only one

Todos-Don't ya think that you need somebody? Don't ya think that you need someone? Everybody needs somebody


Canciones del episodio
Lean on Major Lazer ft DJ Snake, MO The Hottest
Human The Killers The hottest
Elastic heart Sía The hottest

Didier-Do you recall, not long ago We would walk on the sidewalk Innocent, remember? All we did was care for each other But the night was warm We were bold and Young All around the wind blows We would only hold on to let go


Didier y Thomas-Blow a kiss, fire a gun We need someone to lean on Blow a kiss, fire a gun All we need is somebody to lean on

The Hottest-Eeh ooh, eeh ooh, eeh ooh, eeh ooh [x4]

Thomas-What will we do when we get old? Will we walk down the same road? Will you be there by my side? Standing strong as the waves roll over When the nights are long Longing for you to come home All around the wind blows We would only hold on to let go

[Chorus x2:]

Didier y Thomas-Blow a kiss, fire a gun We need someone to lean on Blow a kiss, fire a gun All we need is somebody to lean on

The Hottest-Eeh ooh, eeh ooh, eeh ooh, eeh ooh [x2]

Didier-All we need is somebody to lean on

The Hottest-Eeh ooh, eeh ooh, eeh ooh, eeh ooh [x2]

Didier-All we need is somebody to lean on Lean on, lean on, lean on, lean on...


[Chorus x2:]

Didier y Thomas-Blow a kiss, fire a gun We need someone to lean on Blow a kiss, fire a gun All we need is somebody to lean on

Thomas-Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, ooohhh


Didier- I did my best to notice When the call came down the line Up to the platform of surrender I was brought but I was kind And sometimes I get nervous When I see an open door Close your eyes, clear your heart Cut the cord Are we human or are we (dancers or denser)? My sign is vital, my hands are cold And I'm on my knees looking for the answer Are we human or are we dancers? Pay my respects to grace and virtue Send my condolences to good Hear my regards to soul and romance They always did the best they could And so long to devotion It taught me everything I know Wave goodbye, wish me well You've gotta let me go Are we human or are we (dancers or denser)? My sign is vital, my hands are cold And I'm on my knees looking for the answer Are we human or are we dancers? Will your system be alright When you dream of home tonight There is no message we're receiving Let me know, is your heart still beating? Are we human or are we (dancers or denser)? My sign is vital, my hands are cold And I'm on my knees looking for the answer Are we human or are we dancers? You've gotta let me know Are we human or are we (dancers or denser)? My sign is vital, my hands are cold And I'm on my knees looking for the answer Are we human or are we dancers?


Thomas-And another one bites the dust But why can I not conquer love? And I might've thought that we were one Wanted to fight this war without weapons And I wanted it, I wanted it bad But there were so many red flags Now another one bites the dust And let's be clear, I trust no one You did not break me I'm still fighting for peace

Didier y Thomas con The Hottest-Well, I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart But your blade, it might be too Sharp I'm like a rubber band, until you pull too hard Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

Didier-You won't see me fall apart 'Cause I've got an elastic heart

Thomas-I've got an elastic heart Yeah, I've got an elastic heart


Didier-And I will stay up through the night Yeah, let's be clear, won't close my eyes And I know that I can survive I'll walk through fire to save my life And I want it, I want my life so bad I'm doing everything I can Then another one bites the dust It's hard to lose a chosen one You did not break me I'm still fighting for peace

Didier y Thomas con The Hottest-Well, I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart But your blade, it might be too Sharp I'm like a rubber band, until you pull too hard Yeah, I may snap and I move fast

Didier-You won't see me fall apart 'Cause I've got an elastic heart

Thomas-Oh, oh

Todos-'Cause I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart But your blade, it might be too Sharp I'm like a rubber band, until you pull too hard Yeah,I may snap, and I move fast

Didier-You won't see me fall apart 'Cause I've got an elastic heart

Thomas con The Hottest-Well, I've got a thick skin and an elastic heart But your blade, it might be too Sharp I'm like a rubber band, until you pull too hard Yeah,I may snap,and I move fast

Didier-You won't see me fall apart 'Cause I've got an elastic heart

Thomas-I've got an elastic heart


Episodio XI

Canciones del episodio
What time is it? High School Musical Todo McKinley
The sound The 1975 Andreas, Hayley, Greg, Roderick, Mariah, Kitty, Katherine, Madison, Bree, Shannon, Alistair, Spencer, Bill, Sam y Adam
My obsession Cinema Bizarre Tristan y Madison
When she loved me Toy story Katherine

Greg-Come on What time is it? Taylor-Summertime!

Todos-it's our vacation.

Greg-What time is it?

Taylor-Party time!

Todos-That's right, say it loud!

Greg-what time is it?

Taylor-Time of our lives...


Greg-what time is it?


Todos-School's out, scream and shout!

Francis-Finally summer's here! Good to be chillin' out! I'm off the flock, Pressure's off! And my girl is what it's all about!

Katherine-Ready for some sunshine, for my heart to take a chance. I'm here to stay, no movin' away, Ready for a summer romance!

Los 2-Everybody ready, going crazy, yeah we're out! Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now!

Greg-What time is it?


Todos-it's our vacation.

Greg-What time is it?

Taylor-Party time!

Todos-That's right, say it loud!

Greg-What time is it?

Taylor-Time of our lives...


Greg-What time is it?


Todos-School's out, scream and shout!

Myron-Goodbye to rules, no summer school. I'm free to shop til' I drop!

Gregory-It's an education vacation!

Los 2-And the party never has to stop!

Sheldon-We got things to do, well see you soon! And we're really gonna miss you all!

Myron-Goodbye to you and you! And you, and you!

Sheldon y Francis-Bye, bye untill next fall! Everybody ready, going crazy, yeah we're out! Come on and let me hear you say it now, right now!

Greg-What time is it?


Todos-it's our vacation.

Greg-What time is it?

Taylor-Party time!

Todos-That's right, say it loud!

Greg-what time is it?

Taylor-Time of our lives...


Greg-what time is it?


Todos-School's out, scream and shout!

Francis y Katherine-No more waking up at 6 a.m.! 'Cause now time is all our own!

Sheldon y Myron-Enought already! We're waiting, come on. Let's Goooooo! Out of control!

Jeremy-Alright! Everybody! Yeah! Come on!

New Directions-School pride lets' show it!(show it) Champions we know it!(Know it)

Jeremy con los Atletas y las Cheerios-Wildcats, are the best! Red, white, and gold! When it's time to win we do it!(Do it) We're number one, we're proved it!(Proved it)

New Directions-Lets' live it up! Party down! That's what the summer's all about! What time is it!

Katherine-Summetime is finally here!

Todos-Lets' celebrate!

Francis y Katherine-Wanna hear you loud and clear now!

Todos-School's out!

Gregory y Sheldon-We can stay up as late as we want to!

Todos-It's party time!

Taylor y Myron-Now we can do whatever we wanna do!

Todos-What time is it! It's summertime Be loud and clear! Come on and say it again now! What time is it! it's party time! Let's say it loud! Time of our lives... Yeah!


(Todos-Well, I know when you're around, 'cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart Well, I know when you're around, 'cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart)

Gregory con los chicos-Well, I know when you're around, 'cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart Well, I know when you're around, 'cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart

Andreas-I can't believe I forgot your name Oh, baby won't you come again? She said "I've got a problem with your shoes and your tunes But I might move in" and "I thought that you were straight, now I'm wondering"

Hayley con los chicos-You're so conceited I said "I love you" What does it matter if I lie to you?

Greg-I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it' 'Cause I know you do

Roderick con los chicos-Well, I know when you're around, (Mariah y Roderick-'cause I know the sound,) (Los 2-I know the sound of your heart) Well, I know when you're around, (Los 2-'cause I know the sound,) (Los 2-I know the sound of your heart)

Kitty y Katherine-It's not about reciprocation It's just all about me

Madison-A sycophantic, prophetic, Socratic junkie wannabe There's so much skin to see A simple Epicurean philosophy

Shannon-Oh, and you say I'm such a cliché

Bree-I can't see the difference in it either way

Shannon-And we left things to protect my mental health

Bree-But you call me when you're bored and you're playing with yourself

Katherine-You're so conceited I said "I love you" What does it matter if I lie to you?

Alistair y Spencer-I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it'

Mariah-'Cause I know you do

Adam y Sam-Well, I know when you're around, 'cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart Well, I know when you're around, 'cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart Well, I know when you're around, 'cause I know the sound, I know the sound of your heart


Bill y Hayley-Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound (Todos-I know the sound, of your heart) Well I know when you're around cause (Todos-I know the sound I know the sound, of your heart) Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound (Todos-I know the sound, of your heart) Well I know when you're around cause I know the sound

Todos-I know the sound, of your heart


Skylart-If you want me to listen whisper If you want me to run just walk Wrap your name in lace and leather I can hear you You don't need to talk Let us make thousand mistakes Cause we will never learn

Madison-You're my obsession My fetish, my religión My confusion, my confession The one I want tonight

Los 2-You are my obsession The question and conclusión

Madison-You are, you are, you are My fetish you are... You can kiss me with your torture Tie me up to golden chains Leave me beggin undercover Wrong or right It's all a role play

Skylart-Let us make a thousand mistakes We will never learn You're my obsession My fetish, my religión My confusion, my confession The one I want tonight

Los 2-You're my obsession The question and conclusión You are, you are, you are My fetish you are


Madison-Uuuhh...Come to me tonigth You're my obsession My fetish, my religion

Los 2-You're my obsession The question and conclusión You are, you are, you are My fetish you are

Madison-You are


Katherine-When somebody loved me everything was beautiful every hour we spent together lives within my heart and when he was sad i was there to dry his tears and when he was happy so was i when he loved me through the summer and the fall we had each other that was all just he and i together like it was ment to be and when he was lonley i was there to comfort him and i knew that he loved me so the years went by i stayed the same but he began to drift away i was left alone but still i waited for the day when he'd say i will always love you lonley and forgotten i never thought he'd look my way when he smiled at me and held me just like he used to do like he loved me when he loved me when somebody loved me everything was beautiful every hour we spent together lives within my heart when he loved me


Episodio XII (Episodio de 2 partes)


Canciones del episodio
The gost of you My Chemical Romance Francis

Francis-I never said I'd lie and wait forever If I died, we'd be together I can't always just forget her But she could try At the end of the world Or the last thing I see You are Never coming home Never coming home Could I? Should I? And all the things that you never ever told me And all the smiles that are never ever... Ever... Get the feeling that you're never All alone and I remember now At the top of my lungs in my arms she diez She diez At the end of the world Or the last thing I see You are Never coming home Never coming home Could I? Should I? And all the things that you never ever told me And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me Never coming home Never coming home Could I? Should I? And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me If I fall If I fall (down) At the end of the world Or the last thing I see You are Never coming home Never coming home Never coming home Never coming home And all the things that you never ever told me And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me Never coming home Never coming home Could I? Should I? And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me For all the ghosts that are never gonna


Canciones del episodio
So what Pink Greg con Gregory y Sheldon
Too much All time low Joey,  Katherine, Taylor, Madison, Greg, Mason y Mariah

Greg, Gregory y Sheldon-Na na na na na na na Na na na na na na Na na na na na na na Na na na na na na

Greg-I guess I just lost my wife I don't know where she went So I'm gonna drink my money I'm not gonna pay his rent I got a brand new attitude And I'm gonna wear it tonight I'm gonna get in trouble I wanna start a fight Na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight Greg con Sheldon y Gregory-Na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight! So, so what? I'm still a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't need you And guess what I'm having more fun And now that we're done I'm gonna show you tonight I'm alright I'm just fine And you're a tool So, so what? I am a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't want you tonight

Gregory y Sheldon-Uh, check my flow, uh

Greg-The waiter just took my table And gave it to Jessica Simp, shit! I guess I'll go sit with drum boy At least he'll know how to hit What if this song's on the radio Then somebody's gonna die I'm gonna get in trouble My ex will start a fight Na na na na na na na He's gonna start a fight

Greg con Sheldon y Gregory-Na na na na na na na We're all gonna get in a fight! So, so what? I'm still a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't need you And guess what I'm having more fun And now that we're done I'm gonna show you tonight

Greg-I'm alright (Gregory y Sheldon-I'm alright) I'm just fine And you're a tool So, so what? I am a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't want you tonight


Greg-You weren't there You never were You want it all But that's not fair I gave you life I gave my all You weren't there You let me fall

Greg con Sheldon y Gregory-So, so what? I'm still a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't need you And guess what I'm having more fun And now that we're done (Sheldon y Gregory-we're done) I'm gonna show you tonight I'm alright (Sheldon y Gregory-I'm alright) I'm just fine (Sheldon y Gregory-I'm just fine) And you're a tool So, so what? I am a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't want you tonight No no, no no I don't want you tonight You weren't there (Sheldon-I'm gonna show you tonight) I'm gonna show you tonight

Greg-I'm alright (Gregory-I'm alright) I'm just fine And you're a tool So, so what? I am a rock star I got my rock moves And I don't want you tonight Ba da da da da da


Joey (Greg)- I admit, I miss seeing your face babe, (seeing your face babe) And being alone is starting to take its toll, (toll) I'm cold and it's getting old, (getting old)

Katherine (Taylor)-I admit, (I admit) I should have made some changes. (Changes) We were so smothered in love, We didn't have a chance to come up for air (no fair)

Madison y Greg-What a waste

Madison-Where did the time go? Where did our minds go? I don't know.

Greg-What's this place? Where did our home go? We won't know, I don't know.

Taylor-Too much of anything is too much, Too much love can be too much, We had too much time, too much us, So we fought like tomorrow was promised

Taylor y Greg-Too much, too much, too much, too much Too much, too much, too much, too much Much, much too much

Mason (Mariah)-I admit, I'm still watching the days go by, (watching the days go by) And sleeping alone is starting to break me down. (Down) It's cold, but I should have known. (Should have known)

Mariah (Madison)-I admit, (I admit) I made a few mistakes, babe, (babe [x3]) We were so caught up in love, We didn't have a chance to come up for air...

Mariah y Madison-What a waste

Madison-Where did the time go? Where did our minds go? I don't know.

Mariah-What's this place? Where did my heart go? We'll never know, I'll never know...

Mason-Too much of anything is too much, Too much love can be too much, We had too much time, too much us, So we fought like tomorrow was promised

Mason y Madison-Too much, too much, too much, too much Too much, too much, too much, too much Too much, too much, too much, too much Too much, too much, too much, too much Much, much too much

Joey-I need to find a reason to feel, Like everything was meant to be let go, Take it slow, 'cause I can't be on my own....Too much of anything is too much, (Katherine-it's just too much)

Madison-Too much love can be too much, (Katherine-it's just too...)

Taylor y Greg-We had too much time, too much us, So we fought like tomorrow was promised

Madison, Mariah y Katherine-Too much, too much, too much, too much Too much, too much, too much, too much Too much, too much, too much, too much Too much, too much, too much, too much Much, much too much


Episodio 13

Canciones del episodio
Can i have this dance? High School Musical Taylor y Kitty
Bad reputation Joan Jett Bree y Jane con Madison, Mariah, Alistair, Shannon, Spencer, Roderick y Tristan

Kitty-Take my hand, take a breath Pull me close and take one step Keep your eyes locked on mine And let the music be your guide Taylor-Won't you promise me? (Kitty-Now won't you promise me? That you'll never forget) We'll keep dancing (Kitty-To keep dancing)

Los 2-Wherever we go next...It's like catching lightening, the chances of finding Someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling The way we do And with every step together We just keep on getting better

Kitty-So can I have this dance? (Taylor-Can I have this dance?)

Los 2-Can I have this dance?

Taylor-Take my hand, I'll take the lead And every turn will be safe with me Don't be afraid, afraid to fall You know I'll catch you through it all And you can't keep us apart (Kitty-Even a thousand miles can't keep us apart)

Taylor-'Cause my heart

Kitty-'Cause my heart is

Los 2-Wherever you are...It's like catching lightening, the chances of finding Someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling The way we do And with every step together We just keep on getting better

Kitty-So can I have this dance? (Taylor-Can I have this dance?)

Los 2-Can I have this dance?

Kitty-Oh, no mountain's too high and no ocean's too wide

Los 2-'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop

Kitty-Let it rain

Los 2-Let it pour, what we have is worth fighting for You know I believe that we were meant to be! Yeah!... It's like catching lightening, the chances of finding Someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling The way we do And with every step together We just keep on getting better

Kitty-So can I have this dance? (Taylor-Can I have this dance?)

Los 2-Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance?


Jane-I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation You're living in the past, it's a new generation A girl can do what she wants to do and that's what I'm gonna do

Bree-An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation

Skylart y Shannon-Oh no, no, no, no, no...

Jane, Bree, Madison y Mariah-Not me!

Bree-An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation Never said I wanted to improve my station An' I'm only doin' good when I'm havin' fun An' I don't have to please no one

Jane-An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation

Spencer y Alistair-Oh no, no, no, no, no, no....

Madison y Mariah-Not me!

Spencer y Alistair-Oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Jane y Bree-Not me!

Bree-I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation I've never been afraid of any deviation An' I don't really care if you think I'm strange I ain't gonna change

Jane-An' I'm never gonna care 'bout my bad reputation

Roderick y Shannon-Oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Mariah y Madison-Not me!

Alistair-Oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Jane y Bree-Not me!

Jane-Pedal, boys!


Bree-An' I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation The world's in trouble, there's no communication

Jane-An' everyone can say what they wanna to say It never gets better, anyway So why should I care about a bad reputation anyway?

Chicos-Oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Mariah y Madison-Not me!

Chicos-Oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Jane y Bree-Not me

Jane-I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation You're living in the past, it's a new generation An' I only feel good when I got no pain An' that's how I'm gonna stay

Bree-An' I don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation

Todos-Oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Mariah y Madison-Not me!

Todos-oh no, no, no, no, no, no...

Mariah y Madison-Not me!

Jane, Bree, Madison y Mariah-Not me, not me!


Episodio XIV

Canciones del episodio
Me & the rythm Selena Gómez Hayley, Mariah, Kitty, Katherine, Jane, Bree y Madison
Jet Lag Simple Plan Elena y Greg

Hayley-Ooh, the rhythm takes you over Takes you to a different place A different space Ooh, the smoke is getting closer I can feel our young blood race Through cityscapes Mariah-And everybody wants to be touched Everybody wants to get some But don't you play a song about love When I move my body

Kitty-I don't have to talk about none Let the chemicals go do its stuff 'Til the energy is too much

Madison-Yeah all I need Is the rhythm, me and the rhythm Nothing between Yeah the rhythm, me and the rhythm

Katherine-And I know, I know, I know I can't fight it I won't, I won't, I won't Deny it

Jane-Oh no, oh no, oh no I'd be lying If I said I didn't need Yeah the rhythm, me and the rhythm

Kitty-Ooh, I start to feel it now Feeling like I'm truly free I'm free in me Ooh, the heat's a common ground No matter what's your history Be free with me

Bree-And everybody wants to be touched Everybody wants to get some But don't you play a song about love When I move my body I don't have to talk about none Let the camera go do its stuff 'Til the energy is too much

Mariah-Yeah all I need Is the rhythm, me and the rhythm Nothing between Yeah the rhythm, me and the rhythm

Jane-And I know, I know, I know I can't fight it I won't, I won't, I won't Deny it

Hayley-Oh no, oh no, oh no I'd be lying If I said I didn't need Yeah the rhythm, me and the rhythm

Katherine-If you feel like you're the spark Then come out of the dark If you feel like you're the spark Then come out of the dark If you feel like you're the spark Then come out of the dark If you feel like you're the spark Then come out of the dark

Hayley-Yeah all I need Is the rhythm, me and the rhythm Nothing between Yeah the rhythm, me and the rhythm

Madison-And I know, I know, I know I can't fight it I won't, I won't, I won't Deny it Oh no, oh no, oh no I'd be lying If I said I didn't need Yeah the rhythm, me and the rhythm


Greg-What time is it where you are?

Elena-I miss you more than anything

Greg-Back at home you feel so far

Elena-Waitin for the phone to ring

Greg-It's gettin lonely livin upside down I don't even wanna be in this town Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy

Los 2-You say good morning When it's midnight Going out of my head Alone in this bed I wake up to your sunset It's drivin me mad I miss you so bad

Greg-And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged Heart heart heart is so jetlagged, is so jetlagged

Elena-What time is it where you are?

Greg-5 more days and I'll be home

Elena-I keep your picture in my car

Greg-I hate the thought of you alone

Elena-I been keeping busy all the time Just to try to keep you off my hand

Los 2-Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy... You say good morning When it's midnight Going out of my head Alone in this bed I wake up to your sunset It's drivin me mad I miss you so bad

Greg-And my heart heart heart is so jetlagged Heart heart heart is so jetlagged, is so jetlagged...I miss you so bad

Elena-I miss you so bad

Greg-I miss you so bad

Elena-I mis you so bad

Greg-I miss you so bad

Elena-I wanna share your horizon

Greg-I miss you so bad

Los 2-And see the same sun rising

Elena-I miss you so bad

Los 2-And turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me.

Greg-You say good morning When it's midnight

Los 2-Going out of my head Alone in this bed I wake up to your sunset And it's drivin' me mad I miss when you say good morning But it's midnight Going out of my head Alone in this bed I wake up to your sunset And it's drivin' me mad I miss you so bad And my heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged


Episodio XV

Cancines del episodio
Diamonds Rihanna Bill, Tyler, Pierre, Sam, Adam,  Mariah, Roderick, Alistair,

Spencer, Kitty, Madison, Jane, Mason, Bree, Katherine, Greg, Gregory, Sheldon, Myron y Taylor

Cake by the ocean DNCE Mason, Spencer, Jane, Mariah, Greg, Gregory, Sheldon, Tristan, Roderick, Alistair, Taylor, Katherine, Kitty, Elena, Bill, Tom, Sam,

Adam, Tyler y Pierre

Love don´t break me Bill Kaulitz Greg, Gregory yKatherine

Tyler-Shine bright like a diamond Pierre-Shine bright like a diamond

Adam-...Find light in the beautiful sea I used to be happy

Sam y Adam-You and I, you and I We're like diamonds in the sky

Sam-You're a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy

Bill-When you hold me, I'm alive We're like diamonds in the sky

Mariah-I knew that we'd become one right away, oh right away

Roderick-At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays

Los 2-I saw the life inside your eyes

Alistair-So shine bright, tonight, you and I We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Spencer-Eye to eye so alive We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Kitty-Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond

Madison y Kitty-We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Jane-Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond

Madison y Skylart-We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Katherine-Palms rise to the universe As we, moonshine and mauling Feel the warm we'll never die We're like diamonds in the sky

Taylor-You're a shooting star I see A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I'm alive We're like diamonds in the sky

Sheldon-At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays I saw the life inside your eyes

Greg-So shine bright, tonight, you and I We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Gregory-Eye to eye so alive We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Myron-Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond

Katherine y Myron-We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Katherine-Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shining bright like a diamond

Katherine y Myron-We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Mason y Madison-Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond

Mason-Shine bright like a diamond So shine bright, tonight, you and I We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Madison-Eye to eye so alive We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Jane y Bree-Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond, oh, yes

Bill, Sam, Adam, Tyler y Pierre-Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond Shine bright like a diamond


Mason-Oh, no See you walking 'round like it's a funeral Not so serious, girl, why those feet cold? We just getting started; don't you tiptoe, tiptoe, ah

Spencer-Waste time with a masterpiece, don't waste time with a masterpiece You should be rolling with me, you should be rolling with me, ah You're a real-life fantasy, you're a real-life fantasy But you're moving so carefully, let's start living dangerously

Jane y Mariah con los chicos-Talk to me, baby I'm going after this sweet-sweet craving, whoa-oh Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy

Greg y Gregory con los chicos-Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean

Madison y Katherine con los chicos-Walk for me, baby I'll be didd and you'll be naomi, whoa-oh Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy

Sheldon con los chicos-Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean

Skylart-Goddamn, see you licking frosting from your own hands Want another taste, I'm begging, yes ma'am I'm tired of all this candy on the dry land, dry land, oh

Roderick-Waste time with a masterpiece, don't waste time with a masterpiece You should be rolling with me, you should be rolling with me, ah You're a real-life fantasy, you're a real-life fantasy But you're moving so carefully, let's start living dangerously, who ah

Alistair y Taylor con los chicos-Talk to me, baby I'm going after this sweet craving, whoa-oh Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy

Sheldon con los chicos-Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean

Bill y Tom-Walk for me, baby (Andreas-walk for me now) I'll be didd and you'll be naomi, whoa-oh Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy

Sam y Adam-Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean (ooh, aah)

Pierre y Tyler-Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean (ooh, aah)

Bill con los chicos-Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean

Andreas-You're fucking delicious

Elena con los chicos-Talk to me, boy, talk to me, baby I'm going after this sweet-sweet craving, whoa-oh Let's lose our minds and go fucking-crazy

Todos-Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean

Elena y Mason con los chicos-Walk for me, baby (Spencer-walk for me now) I'll be didd and you'll be naomi, whoa-oh Let's lose our minds and go fucking crazy Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean

Bill y Tom-Red velvet, vanilla, chocolate in my life

Sam y Adam-Confetti, I'm ready; I need it every night

Andreas, Pierre y Tyler-Red velvet, vanilla, chocolate in my life (Todos-ya-ya-ya-ya-ya keep on hoping we'll eat cake by the ocean)


Katherine-I'm tired of fighting It really messed me up this time Tired of trying I'm ready to leave it all behind I wanna lose my other me Am I really still right here? I wanna drown with it... I... I Let the rain come

Greg-You can never leave the soul unguided I'm still crawling I can't see new sky yet

Gregory-But sometimes love can come from nothing Love don't break me

Greg-Love don't break me Love don't break me

Gregory-Love don't break me

Katherine-Love don't break me

Gregory-This place reminds me I keep my eyes wide shut to hide Denying you're gone now And I am down here all alone Some said that time will heal me I need to get to higher ground But I don't wanna feel it... I... I Let the pain come

Greg-You can never leave the soul unguided I'm still crawling I can't see new sky yet On broken wings I'm barely flying But love don't break me

Gregory-Love don't break me

Katherine-Love don't break me

Greg-Love don't break me

Los 3-Love don't break me


Katherine-(Love don't break me) I need to get home But I keep on holding on, holding on (Greg-Love don't break me) I need to get home But I keep on holding on, holding on (Gregory-Love don't break me) Love don't break me

Greg-You can never leave the soul unguided I'm still crawling I can't see new sky yet

Gregory-On broken wings I'm barely flying But love don't break me Love don't break me Love don't break me Love don't break me Love don't break me
